make global

Make Your Game Global

The larger the audience you want to reach, the more you need to localize your games. memoQ provides a comprehensive solution tailored to gaming companies.

Reduce Your Costs

The functionality in memoQ and its efficient cost of ownership helps you keep the cost of game localization under control, even if you are a beginner. Using memoQ for localization helps you engage audiences around the world by maintaining linguistic coherence and cultural sensitivity in the content of your games.
preserve quality

Increase Translation Quality

memoQ offers two kinds of quality assurance. The QA module checks for machine-detectable errors during and/or after translation and can be automated. The Linguistic QA module categorizes errors and provides human feedback and valuable statistics for translators.


memoQゲーミングユニットは、ゲーム産業専門のチームを構成するために作られました。 100社を超すゲーム産業のお客様と取引をするmemoQには、その分野のニーズに関する深い理解がありました。そのような経験とmemoQツールの柔軟性を組み合わせて、既存のゲーム制作のワークフローにmemoQをシームレスに統合することができます。そのための、よりパーソナライズされたアプローチを提供するプロフェッショナルなチームを作るべき時が訪れたのです。 memoQゲーミングユニットの構成メンバーは、ゲーミングユニット代表のBéatrice Compagnon、ゲームローカライゼーションエキスパートのGábor Kovács、そしてゲームローカライゼーションエンジニアのJános Szabóです。

gaming unit memoQ



Reuse Existing Translations

Never translate the same text twice! Translation memory enables you to reuse previously translated segments. In addition, the LiveDocs function in memoQ stores the entire corpora and also offers document alignment. Use these references any time when you translate.

Managing Terminology

Poor translations can have a bad effect on your game’s acceptance. Term bases in memoQ are databases for storing important words and expressions and their equivalents. Term bases help translators stick to the terminology used in your game, which is especially essential when a team of translators is working on the same content simultaneously.

memoQ logo
Simultaneous Collaboration

Many projects require the translation of thousands of words in just a couple of days. Real-time collaboration offers the possibility of sharing translation memories and term bases. Moreover, translators can communicate in real time with the instant messaging function (chat window) in memoQ.

Workflow Automation

Project templates in memoQ let you automate many steps within a project, from setup to work assignment, quality assurance, and delivery. Many memoQ users report that the project template feature has significantly reduced the amount of time it takes to set up a project.


memoQ server

memoQ server

memoQ server is an enterprise-level translation management system (TMS) with advanced productivity tools. memoQ enables and manages collaborative work in a comprehensive translation environment, which speeds up game localization by allowing multiple translators and reviewers to work on projects simultaneously.

Learn more about memoQ server
memoQ LiveDocs


LiveDocs is a corpus-based alternative to translation memories that keeps your translation content structured and organized. It saves entire documents (whereas translation memories make a database of translated segments). LiveDocs can even manage monolingual documents that you can use for reference. During translation, memoQ searches and pulls matches from LiveDocs just as it would from a translation memory.

Learn more about LiveDocs
LocLand eBook - memoQ


このeBookはゲームローカライゼーションに関する究極のガイドです。 なぜローカライゼーションがゲーム企業の運命を左右するのか、またゲームローカライゼーションのワークフローを導入するときに最も重要な要素は何なのかについて、詳しく知ることができます。



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