The latest version of memoQ is here—and it’s all about helping you get more done in less time. Jira, Gridly,, Adobe Experience Manager and BeLazy now all have memoQ connectors to smooth out localization workflows. Regex Assistant brings faster, hassle-free string-searching, and WebTrans is now integrated with Antidote, the market-leading writing assistance tool for English and French. Take a quick tour of our new features.

Jira integration: fast and smooth round-trip translation workflows
Translation automation is now available for content stored in Jira, one of the world's most popular issue and project tracking tools. With memoQ and Jira projects connected, teams can submit issues for translation in just a few clicks without leaving the interface they are working in. The result? Fully automated data movement, fewer errors, and more efficient import and export processes.
Learn more integration: manage translation workflows right from your work OS
Highly intuitive and customizable, is used by 100,000-plus businesses to manage tasks, projects, and teamwork with ease and confidence. Use memoQ’s new connector to create both data and workflow integration between memoQ and boards and to manage and track complex translation workflows without leaving
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Gridly integration: enhanced localization processes in app and game development
Benefit from more streamlined content updates and improved collaboration across project teams, roles, and vendors during app and game localization projects. Boost efficiency with pivot language localization; access and preview text, audio, and visual content from the grid; and send strings for translation in memoQ with the help of a built-in add-on.
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AEM integration: create translation jobs for digital assets through the AEM interface
Connect memoQ to AEM so you can set up and manage the translation of websites and digital assets from Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe’s leading content and digital asset management system. And do so through the very AEM workspace you use for day-to-day asset management activities while keeping the same user experience, thanks to memoQ’s AEM-native plugin.
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Regex Assistant: harness the power of regex-based string-searching
Without strong tech skills or a background in language engineering, creating and running regexes ( regular expressions) has been out of reach for most of our userbase so far. But not anymore. Say hi to memoQ 9.8’s Regex Assistant, your new fast track to memoQ’s most powerful find-and-replace function for defining segmentation, auto-translation, and Regex Tagger rules—and greater productivity.
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Antidote integration: must-have proofing tool for English and French available in WebTrans
A full-fledged alternative to MS Word’s built-in editing capabilities, Antidote runs on a powerful analyzer that first breaks texts into major divisions, then goes through each word to detect mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and typography. The market-leading writing assistance software suite for English and French can now be integrated with WebTrans, memoQ's web-based translation environment.
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BeLazy integration: automate workflows when your customers use memoQ server
Automating the receipt, management, and delivery of translation projects, BeLazy provides ready-made integrations between systems—vendor portals, business management systems, and translation management systems—to help language service providers streamline their workflows. The new integration makes it possible for users to fetch projects both from their customers’ memoQ servers or clouds as well as from their own.
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Git Connector and filter updates for XML and XLIFF files: check out our latest tweaks
Content Connector installation and Git Connector connection management has become easier. We’ve made it possible for any memoQ user with access to the server computer where Content Connector Server and Client are installed to set up and manage connections. Plus, we’ve added new export and tag handling options for XML and XLIFF 2 filters.
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Check out the new features you might have missed!
Web Service API contains slice-level granular information on weighted wordcounts. Slicing is an essential tool for managing translation of large files for which the distribution of work is inevitable, allowing teams to split the workload at a document level. Statistics, or analyses, provide key information for both workload planning and compensation of project contributors. It offers weighted counts that distribute a document’s wordcount according to their coverage in the project's TM resources by fuzzy match ranges and multiplies it by a preset compensation rate.
Change logs
BUG-9478: An error in Microsoft Word's spell checker may cause communication errors between Microsoft Word and memoQ, potentially leading to generation of many huge log files
BUG-9484: If you lock or unlock a segment in the local copy of an online project, your changes may not be synchronized immediately, potentially causing segments to be reverted to a previous version
BUG-9426: If you try to type a capital letter as the first of a word you want to look for, and you've already searched for the lowercase version of that word recently, you may not be able to do so
BUG-9390: memoQ Server Resources API: memoQ server may crash if you try to perform a concordance or TM search with reverse lookup disabled in that TM
BUG-9389: memoQ Server Resources API: memoQ server may crash if you try to search in a termbase for terms in language that is not part of that termbase
BUG-9464: memoQWeb: You may not be able to find spaces using the "Find and replace" dialog
BUG-3462: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may receive an error when trying to export a document with a comment at the end
BUG-3685: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may receive an error when trying to export a document with a comment at the end
BUG-4630: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may receive an error when trying to export a document with a comment at the end
BUG-9447: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may receive an error when trying to export a document with a comment at the end
BUG-9498: Subvendor project managers cannot reassign documents to single users if GroupSourcing was previously used
BUG-9452: The "Find term" dialog within the Term Base Editor does not list previously searched terms
BUG-9494: You may encounter an error when you try to use "Find and replace" in a document after applying a filter using the Filter bar on top of the translation grid
BUG-9427: You may see memoQ to crash to Desktop when you try to use "Find and replace" after you filtered the document using the Filter bar on top of the translation grid
BUG-9404: You'll see question marks if you paste simplified Chinese or Arabic text to the "Quick find and replace" dialog's fields
BUG-9381: Highlighting matches in filtered segments may disregard the case-sensitivity option you set in the filter
BUG-9385: If you press CTRL+A in the filter field on top of the translation grid, memoQ selects the contents of the current segment instead of the field's contents
BUG-9375: Localization: Hungarian UI may show wrong units of measurement for time in grids related to license usage
BUG-5150: Machine Translation: You may get a translation from your configured MT plugin as a suggestion even if you have a good/exact match from a translation memory
BUG-5198: memoQWeb: When you edit an inline anchor () tag, the href attribute and its value may be removed
BUG-9343: memoQWeb: You may be unable to change an administrator's email address
BUG-5124: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export documents containing emojis
BUG-9325: The "Find numbers only segments" built-in regular expression of Regex Assistant does not matches all numbers-only segments
BUG-5109: XLIFF filter: CDATA tags may not be preserved during export
BUG-5158: XML filter: When part of a cascading filter, you may get an error if you try to select a tag in the filter's configuration dialog for occurrence checking
BUG-9342: You may be unable to select an item in the Filter configuration dropdown list on the "Language-independent resources" tab of the project template editor, or may not be able to save your changes
BUG-9347: You'll get question marks if you paste simplified Chinese or Arabic text to the Quick Find dialog's field
Improvement: You can now control how the QA feature checks non-translatables
BUG-4044: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: You may be unable to import an INDD document with a dash in its file name via Language Terminal
BUG-4950: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: You may not be able to import certain documents with nested paragraph styles
BUG-4922: Customer Portal: You may be unable to upload reference files larger than 4 MB
BUG-5102: Localization: Font styles are not localized in the Appearance tab of the Options dialog
BUG-5100: Localization: Some text in Keyboard shortcuts is left unlocalized
BUG-5101: Localization: The Chinese UI may show English text in the Reports window
BUG-5065: Machine Translation: Intento MT: The plugin may fail to work for an XML conversion error
BUG-5076: Machine Translation: Intento MT: You may not be able to open the plugin's configuration dialog using 9.6.x or older memoQ clients if the plugin is configured as part of an online resource hosted on a memoQ server newer than 9.7.7
BUG-5153: Machine Translation: Some legacy plugins may not work for XML or HTML conversion errors
BUG-5144: Machine Translation: Some MT plugins don't support XML format and may report errors
BUG-4873: memoQ disregards subfolders you specify as exclusions in the Import folder structure dialog
BUG-4830: memoQ TM Search Tool: The tool appears to be broken after upgrading to memoQ 9.7.5 client
BUG-5081: memoQ TM Search Tool: The tool may not work in memoQ 9.7 and newer versions
BUG-4809: memoQWeb: If you click "Accept/Reject this change and move to next", you are taken to the next segment instead of next change
BUG-5067: memoQWeb: Progress information may be inaccurate if you filter the list of documents
BUG-4986: memoQWeb: The project info box may not show the Customer Portal Quote ID
BUG-4909: memoQWeb: You may be falsely advised an export operation succeeded when it actually failed completely or partially
BUG-4943: QTerm: Filters may be missing
BUG-4821: Smart quotes in Turkish show the wrong character
BUG-5046: Some post-export scripts run as part of custom code execution may report errors in Task tracker when exporting ZIP files, even though the operation succeeds
BUG-5083: Source segment editing doesn't support the toggle case feature
BUG-4157: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: Some sublanguages are not mapped properly
BUG-4262: XLIFF filter: Whitespace and punctuation characters may be placed outside of the target tags in exported documents
BUG-5119: You may be unable to import a TBX file to memoQ that you created by exporting a QTerm termbase
BUG-4941: You may get an error on the "Create term base entry" window when you try to select multiple termbases with the same name
BUG-4706: You may not be able to convert Language Terminal users to standard memoQ server users
Improvement: Oversized preview files out of use are removed to save space
Improvement: XML filter: You can now protect the xml:lang attribute from changes
Initial 9.8 release was 9.8.8