memoQweb improvements
We have introduced new features to help your project managers work in memoQweb, including LiveDocs and project management functionality.
LiveDocs on memoQweb
We are constantly improving and adding new functionality to memoQweb so that project participants can collaborate more effectively online and project managers can take advantage of a full project management workflow. As a next step, we are adding LiveDocs to the available resources for online projects. Project managers can now add or remove LiveDocs corpora that are available on the server to and from the associated projects. Look out for more functionality to come in future releases!
Rename projects on memoQweb
Based on our users’ feedback and suggestions, memoQ project managers and server administrators are now allowed to rename projects on memoQweb.

TM+ enhancements
We are constantly adding new features to TM+ to provide the best-of-breed in translation memory. This time, we have added Guess translation and user role storing.
Concordance in TM+
With the new Guess translation function, concordance can be used to find the translation of a word or expression that's not included in your term bases. From memoQ 10.3 on, this feature is also available in TM+ as well as classic translation memories.
User roles in TM+
Storing user roles for TM entries or importing/converting TM entries with user roles has become possible in TM+.
When a user changes an existing TM entry, that existing entry will be overwritten, along with its user role. In the case of a TMX import or TM+ conversion, if there are multiple versions of translations for the same source segment modified by different user roles, then memoQ picks the entry that has the “most valuable” user role.

In-country Review improvements
We have added new functionality to the ICR tool based on user feedback.
The ICR tool in memoQ 10.3 will feature the following:
- A new ICR configuration option for the PM: An ICR user can now be configured to edit and comment, rather than just comment. The PM can also configure whether or not the edits made by the ICR users are displayed with tracked changes (the ICR user can switch between the two views in the ICR editor).
- My Review Tasks page: We have added a simplified version of the My Tasks page in WebTrans, accessible from any ICR document by clicking the back arrow in the top left corner or shown as the default page for the ICR user when directly logging in to the memoQ TMS.
- If you have images for terms, these are now also displayed on the Terms side panel.
- Users can insert terms displayed on the Terms panel into the target segment of the active row (except for forbidden terms).
- Replace is now available in addition to Find.
- Under the Help menu, the Keyboard shortcuts dialog offers users a quick reference tool.

Reference files in LiveDocs
We have improved the upload of reference files in LiveDocs. Instead of the Import as binary option, we have added a new import option for reference files as well as a Description field to all LiveDocs documents.
From memoQ 10.3 on, you will have a distinct import option when uploading reference files into LiveDocs rather than needing to check the Import as binary option in the import filter. We have also added a Description field for all LiveDocs documents (including reference files) to make it easier for PMs to communicate the value of each corpus document to linguists without writing a lengthy explanatory email.
Moreover, reference files of any source language can be uploaded to a LiveDocs corpus in a project, thereby allowing a greater variety of reference files (e.g., a Swedish IKEA catalog can now be uploaded to an English-German project). All reference files in a project are available to all project participants, regardless of the document languages and the users' assignments, thereby allowing for more diversity of reference files.
These improvements were designed while working on the In-country review tool, but they are also available to all users working with LiveDocs documents.

memoQ server backup tool revamp
The memoQ server backup tool has been revamped to make the backup process faster as well as more secure. From now on, you can customize the backup process on the memoQ server.
The scope of the backup has become more versatile to reduce disk space, optimize speed, and enhance performance. Users can now freely configure the backup scope by choosing which files to back up and, if your enterprise data warehouse is handling a memoQ database, decide whether the database needs to be backed up. This helps optimize performance and ensures that memoQ is fully aligned with your organization’s data management policies.
Finally, the code has been separated from the Deployment Tool. This eliminates the potential failure of the backup if the Deployment Tool is left running on the server when a scheduled backup is due.

Machine translation improvements
We have added several improvements to memoQ’s machine translation functionality as well as a new plugin, Custom.MT.
Google Advanced MT plugin renewal for Native models
Google’s machine learning infrastructure is changing. The custom models of Google’s machine learning platform (AutoML) have a new shape and form. The former models have become obsolete (called Legacy models), and the new models are now called Native models.
We have upgraded the plugin to enable you to work with the custom models of the renewed AutoML service. The renewed plugin now includes both Legacy and Native models.
Google Advanced MT - added PEM certificate authentication option
For enhanced security, users can now use the Google Advanced MT plugin with their own PEM certificate to encrypt the translation data traveling between memoQ and Google.
Expose Edit Distance Report to WebPM
Edit distance reports are used to show you how much work has been done by translators and reviewers, and how good your supporting technologies (TMs and MT) are. When generating the edit distance report, memoQ computes the amount of editing required to transform the source text into the target text. Edit distance reports are now available in WebPM.
Plugin chunked download through WCF
We renewed the MT plugins' data communication between the memoQ server and the memoQ desktop client to make it faster and more reliable.

Other features and improvements
memoQ 10.3 has several smaller features and tweaks suggested by our users, such as lookaround in Regex Tagger, WebTrans accessibility improvements, and many more!
- Adjust default behavior for security measures
The suggested default password settings have been improved on the memoQ server. - WebTrans accessibility improvements
- When displaying the translation results, the screen reader software can communicate to the user the selected translation result as well as its percentage value.
- WebTrans will remember the state of accessibility mode after you’ve refreshed the screen.
- Introducing lookaround in Regex Tagger
By defining regular expressions, you can convert parts of the text into inline tags. You can create regexes subsequently, but so far, the subsequent regex rules have been applied to the text that had already been converted by a previous regex. The new functionality allows you to write regexes with lookahead and lookbehind components and make the original text available to subsequential regex rules. - Locking/Unlocking possible in online projects (memoQweb)
The Locking/unlocking ability (introduced in memoQ 10.2) is now also available in memoQweb. - Support TM+ in package workflow
When a filtered package (one TMX has been created from one or more relevant TMs of a project) is being imported, the newly created TM will become a classic TM if at least one of the original TMs was a Classic TM, or a TM+ if all original TMs were TM+s. - CORS support for CMS API
CMS API is now enabled to work securely with applications with web-based GUI. Integrating the latter systems with memoQ becomes easier while keeping security at the forefront of the integrations.
Are you using an older version of memoQ?
Check out the new features you might have missed!
Change logs
BUG-12679: A wrong help topic opens when you click the Help icon in the Image transcriptions page
BUG-12419: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: memoQ tries to invoke Language Terminal for conversion when importing an IDML file if the file name also contains the INDD extension somewhere before IDML
BUG-12800: Calls to the CMS API are blocked by CORS policy
BUG-12684: CMS API: For an inconsistency in handling dates and times, local times are converted to the time zone of memoQ TMS, while dates specified as UTC are left intact
BUG-12701: Creation of projects and QA reports may fail under heavy load for an error in how strict file exclusion policy the light resource manager employs
BUG-12686: For an issue with managing language settings in project templates, you may not be able to configure translation memories belonging to sublanguages as additional translation memories
BUG-12369: HTML filter: When importing PHP strings is turned on, the opening angle bracket is converted to the < HTML entity during export
BUG-12784: If track changes is turned off for the translator during project creation, but turned on for Reviewer 1, it will not be available for Reviewer 1 either.
BUG-12392: If you convert a legacy translation memory to TM+ with Korean source, you won't get expected hits when performing a lookup
BUG-11393: If you insert a concordance search result while tracking changes is turned on, the insertion won't get tracked
BUG-12719: Machine Translation: ModernMT: An update to the MT provider's language codes caused a mismatch between memoQ and ModernMT when negotiating Farsi language
BUG-12655: memoQ may report a communication issue with memoQ TMS when you try to add new entries to a TM+ translation memory in the Translation Memory Editor
BUG-4773: memoQ reverts to not look for updates automatically after installing and update
BUG-12767: memoQ TMS: If you have a multilingual project, auto-translation for the same segment for a specific language is invoked as many times as many target languages in your project have an auto-translation rule configured
BUG-12761: memoQWeb: Confirming a segment into a double-context TM saves the pre-context and post-context to the document
BUG-12728: memoQWeb: Data stored in meta fields of LiveDocs corpora are not shown for LiveDocs hits in the Concordance window as those of TM hits are
BUG-11187: memoQWeb: If you select and overwrite a word to which a comment has been added, the comment gets deleted rather than staying attached to the first letter of the new word as in memoQ desktop clients
BUG-12776: memoQWeb: When you add a comment to a segment, the time and date on the dialog is recorded according to your local time, however it is saved using the server's local time and this value is displayed later
BUG-11382: memoQWeb: When you run QA and it finishes without finding any issues, a misleading dialog may appear with a blank issue list
BUG-12594: QTerm: Closed discussions may be displayed in the Translation results pane for the related term when the current source segment contains that term
BUG-11602: Regex tagger built on memoQ considers any character following a {memoQ tag} as a character at the beginning of a line
BUG-12707: Regex Tagger filter: An error in saving the values of the Tags and entities filter configuration page may corrupt the filter configuration file
BUG-12725: Regex tagger filter: Tagging may behave differently in different memoQ versions
BUG-12845: Regex Tagger filter: You may receive an error when you try to edit a filter configuration and have an example text containing one or more tab characters
BUG-12538: Regex Tagger filter: You may receive an error when you try to edit a previously created filter configuration for a faulty change in handling new line constructs
BUG-12750: The Customize smart quotes dialog uses a font type different from what is set in Options > Appearance > Editor fonts > Font family and size, and this difference may mislead you to think memoQ applies wrong smart quotes in the translation grid
BUG-11017: When the operation of editing a LiveDocs corpus times out after an idle time of 5 minutes, you may lose your selection in your alignment pair
BUG-11094: When you resize the Concordance window, the Meta information column is not resized, while the others are
BUG-12848: XLIFF 2 filter: An issue with whitespace management may prevent you from exporting documents to JA, ZH and TW
BUG-12190: XLIFF 2 filter: You may not be able to import a document if multiple note attributes have the same ID
BUG-12038: XLIFF filter: You may be unable to import a document if it contains a trans-unit element with empty source element
BUG-12780: You may be unable to get search results from a termbase if the results would include an entry with an empty target term
BUG-12743: You may not receive search results from a termbase for an issue with ordering hits
BUG-12715: You may receive a "Range's end must not be beyond plain text's end" error when you navigate to a segment and wait for fragments to appear in lookup results
Improvement: memoQWeb: Enhanced the usability of the Add an LQA Error dialog in WebTrans
Improvement: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: Added support for extracting translatable contents from lnk-c tags
BUG-12025: A custom auto translation rule defined using a regular expression may capture a wrong number group
BUG-12638: Creating an analysis report or running pre-translation may fail for template-based projects with sublanguages if the Details by source or the Create project TM option is turned on
BUG-12527: Customer Portal: Even though your action is confirmed, you may not be able to actually change role of users in the customer role
BUG-12027: If you have a segment starting with a capital letter and your TM+ translation memory contains a very similar match differing only in initial capitalization, memoQ makes the initial letter of the match uppercase
BUG-12238: Localization: memoQWeb: Enhanced German text about allowing using packages for translation and review in parallel when creating a project
BUG-12621: memoQ TMS: Logs may contain duplicate entries about shadow copy operations documenting backup processes
BUG-12269: memoQ XLIFF (MQXLIFF, MQXLZ) filter: You may receive a "The given key was not present in the dictionary" error when trying to import a document
BUG-12595: memoQWeb: The "Show changes" drop-down menu and the "Toggle track changes" button may stay inactive
BUG-12216: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: If a document contains merged cells in a table, you may find unidentified text in some source segments actually coming from the merged cells other than the first merged cell
BUG-12374: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: If an Excel document or a CSV file contains a cell or value with an inline line break consisting only of a single \r (CR) character, memoQ may fail to place quotes around the cell's contents in the exported document
BUG-12635: QTerm: If you convert an online memoQ termbase to a QTerm termbase, local copies of affected projects checked out before the conversion may no longer be able to access the termbase
BUG-12355: Really huge numbers of alerts may cause memoQ TMS to crash and to report database-related errors
BUG-12528: Security: memoQWeb: Users can see all unassigned projects when starting a discussion topic in WebTrans
BUG-12536: When you apply a filter to your translation grid, memoQ does not ignore deleted comments and displays a segment even if only its deleted comments match your filter criteria
BUG-12534: When you perform manual term lookup, memoQ fails to observe the “Treat sublanguages as separate languages in TB lookup” setting and shows sublanguages in alphabetical order
BUG-9895: When you use auto-propagation and confirm a segment, under rare circumstances you may find segments consisting only of a single (yet usually longer) URL marked as 99% to 101% matches, even though the URL inserted by memoQ is completely different
BUG-12617: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Document import may fail for specially crafted documents with multiple part labels
BUG-10912: XLIFF filter: You may find redundant spaces added after line break tags in XLIFF documents with a CCJK source and a non-CCJK target language for an error in how whitespaces are normalized upon export
BUG-12549: You may find TM+ translation memory hits being inconsistent in using lowercase and uppercase letters for the Chinese (PRC) to English language pair
BUG-12271: You may receive an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error while creating an analysis report or running pre-translation for a template-based project with sublanguages if the Create project TM option is turned on
Initial 10.3 release was 10.3.10