Translation Memory
Never translate a segment more than once! Translation memory makes it possible to reuse previous translations and consistently handle repeated text across a project.Terminology Management
memoQ provides an integrated terminology management module so you can maintain consistent usage of domain-specific terminology for different projects and clients.Automatic Quality Assurance
memoQ offers Automated Quality Assurance, which checks for possible mistakes during translation. Also, Linguistic Quality Assurance categorizes errors and provides valuable statistics.翻訳者のニーズに合わせた機能
With memoQ translator pro, you can import, translate, and export files from other tools. memoQ is compatible with most other translation tools, including SDL Trados Studio, WordFast, and STAR Transit.
As you translate, memoQ creates and securely stores a translation memory--a database of pairs of source- and target-language segments. You can also create term bases, which are similar to a glossary but can also be used to store previous translations and abbreviations associated with a term, add associated reference materials, and identify and automate the translation of certain patterns.

LiveDocs is an alternative to Translation Memory with automated document alignment function for adding bilingual files to be searched for reusable translations. You can also add monolingual reference material. A LiveDocs corpus can handle all file formats supported by memoQ.
Work with any company that uses memoQ server. Get more work by accepting jobs sent directly from your customer’s memoQ server! memoQ translator pro supports discussions within the translation environment, such as those frequently held with project managers and customers on source text, terminology, and project updates.

memoQ translator pro
memoQ translator pro is the ultimate translation software for boosting productivity and taking your translations to the next level.
Learn more about memoQ translator pro
Machine Translation
memoQ has plugins for several Machine Translation engines. We are continually adding new plugins to connect memoQ with the latest MT engines.
Learn more about Machine Translation
Translate PDF
Wish there was a better way to translate PDF files? Whether you need to translate an editable or scanned PDF, memoQ's integration with TransPDF makes it easy!
Learn more about Translate PDF
memoQ創設者のGábor Ugrayが著したこの翻訳業界専門用語全集では、翻訳業界で最も一般的に使われている表現が丁寧に説明されています。