
Matches Made in Heaven: Delve into the World of Regex with Márton Jánosy

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Join Márton Jánosy, Business Solutions Architect at EDIMART, to discover the endless possibilities of regular expressions. 

Unlock the advanced capabilities of memoQ with the power of regular expressions. Learn about refining filter settings, establishing robust QA rules, supercharging search and replace functions, and setting dynamic auto-translation rules using regex. 

Discover how regex can automate tasks, turning tedious manual processes into efficient, error-free operations, and opening the door to solutions you might never have considered possible. Through a range of illustrative real-world scenarios, attendees will gain insights into the extensive possibilities of regex in memoQ. 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

You will listen to

Márton Jánosy - Business Solutions Architect @ EDIMART

Márton Jánosy is a Business Solutions Architect at EDIMART, where he also formerly worked as a language engineer and a project manager. Besides being involved in the translation industry, he also has a firm background in theoretical linguistics, which he taught at the Eötvös Loránd University and the University of Debrecen. Márton is also a self-taught programmer who loves to explore the potential of technology and loves to innovate.

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