Project management
The HTML-based preview pane in memoQ has long been one of the software’s strongest assets. We have made it even better! See what is new in the memoQ preview pane here
Multi-Window Project Management
Online project backups, restore and auto-archive
Task Tracker
Do you have megaprojects and mega-sized resources to take care of? The coolest Project Managers all do! It is for them we created the Task Tracker: it is not only tracking task progress – but you can send lengthy operations into the background, and, instead of a short coffee break, you can get on straight away with the next task… No more waiting for the import of gigantic folder structures, the exporting internet-sized translation projects! Save more time in Project Management with Task Tracker!
More windows to stay open

Finance and sales
Be in control of your finances: manage your in-house and external linguistics ideally, plan your costs and resources, and use the brand-new reporting platform to create powerful reports!
Availability Calendar
Manage your resources
Keep a record of your online projects
Introducing the new reporting platform

Client management
Satisfy your clients at every step of the way! Meet the amazing Customer Portal, the newest item in the ever-evolving memoQ environment!
Request Quotes, Autoquote, Start job
Your client will be able to log in on your own Customer Portal’s client interface. The customers can now start working with you right away: they can upload the translatable files and send you a quote request.
Are they trusted, regular customers? Or maybe members of your organization who regularly need to request jobs from your translation department? You can allow them to use autoquote to automatically create a quote, and they can even start a translation job via your portal.
Track Status
Recieve/Approve quotes
Can it be any more exciting? Of course it can. In case of an automated process the system creates the quote, and, if your customer approves, memoQ can take over and even start an automated workflow!
Download Completed Files

Translation work
Got a lot of work from pharma, medical and legal clients? Are you the guy who has to work with those colourful change-tracked files going around endlessly? We have news for you: memoQ 8.0 brings you full Track Changes support and more!
Set your availability and log times
Are you worried that you get two big jobs at the same time? You want to make sure that you are properly billed when you are working for the hour? Get on memoQ’s Language Terminal and check out the new enhancement introduced by memoQ 8.0: set your availability on a calendar, and also log your hours.
When you are working on an LT-based online project for your client and charging by the hour, using the log times feature will give you something extra: when you close the project it will tell you how many hours you have reported so far and lets you report any extra hours you deem necessary.
Find segments with a certain match rate
New Compare Box for Fuzzy Matches
Introducing the new Track Changes
Are you the guy having to work on those documents full of colorful changes tracked? Worry no more! To the delight of many working mainly in the pharma, legal and medical industries memoQ 8.0 gives you the new Track Changes function!
Track Changes works very much like the one you are used to in Word, and addresses three major use cases: when you translate the tracked changes as tracked changes; when you translate the edited version of a previously translated document; and when you use the function to review a translation.
New pseudo-translation mechanism
New Change Case behavior: a menu
Change Logs
0029761: SDLPPX: TM not visible when importing the package.
0030133: Cannot open view in project created from handoff package.
0030126: PPTX: Cannot import specific documents when the "Import sections" checkbox is selected.
0030118: Creating online project from specific template fails.
0029969: Error while attempting to close document.
0030029: Termbase hits compatibility between 7.8 and 8.0.
0029862: Find and replace function skips the segment that has the character that needs to be replaced.
0030043: XML: exported final file contains the memoQ track changes.
0029961: Error when selecting Chinese language in memoQWeb spelling.
0030126: PPTX: Cannot import specific documents when the "Import sections" checkbox is selected.
0029994: Progress dialog is not working when exporting a TM.
0030120: DOCX: Unable to export in some cases.
0030047: Regex + HTML: Specific file cannot be exported.
0030001: DOCX: Import fails for specific file with tracked changes.
0030004: memoQ becomes unresponsive when confirming segment in large view.
0027686: Regex Text filter: import hung in specific cases.
0028658: Connection to MemoQ Server via WS API got rejected from localhost when IP filtering was turned on.
0029508: Customer Portal - Editing services in mqweb - templates order random.
0029579: Finances Pane - People and Prices - pricing unit names have been changed to singular, truncation issues resolved.
0029600: Project management - Automated actions section opened after the second click only.
0029661: Refinements to the "Active user is different" dialog.
0029710: HTML: We've added an option to add BOM to exported files or not.
0029714: It was impossible to filter projects by assigned subvendor on the memoQ dashboard.
0029758: QTerm: Direct URL does not directly lead to the entry for guest users.
0029759: DOCX: Converted PDF document using ABBYY FineReader 14 could not be imported.
0029810: X-Translate: rows with inline tags containing translatable attributes in a separate row were not x-translated.
0029812: Customer Portal: confirmation message for "Delete contact" operation contained wrong text, referred to a quote being deleted.
0029861: Performance counters could not be refreshed.
0029867: Language Terminal / Customer Portal: User merge failed when both users were set as PMs of a given customer portal group.
0029871: XLIFF: trans-units failed to import if the states needed to be mapped to "rejected".
0029875: XSLT preview: inline tag formatting was not working properly in specific case.
0029878: XML: Segmentation around processing instructions was changed erroneously.
0029879: Importing update mqout package into server with new languages incorrectly imported new resources.
0029882: QA gave false warnings about missing and extra tags in specific cases.
0029885: DOCX: The export failed because of incorrectly paired inline tags.
0029886: QA - "Attribute is not defined" warning was displayed instead of "changed tag order".
0029891: QA results window was blank when selecting "Check translation memory" option.
0029899: Internal application error occurred when selecting an 8.0 server in a 7.8 client and clicking "Check Out From Server" on the Dashboard.
0029902: QA - False bracket/quote warnings if the marks were not defined as punctuation marks in one of the languages.
0029905: Opening an exported Word document resulted in an error message in a specific case.
0029906: Task tracker caused the project management window to freeze when exporting a document as bilingual.
0029910: Some user-written rules did not work in the tags®ex QA check.
0029918: Customer Portal registration status was not correctly saved.
0029921: XLIFF: in some specific cases, space characters were not imported from 3rd party XLIFF files.
0029922: memoQ client AutoUpdate was not working in Windows versions above Windows 7. We have fixed the updater, and automatic updates will start to work for the update coming after this one..
0029925: It was impossible to copy text from the details pane of the Task Tracker window.
0029927: XML handling: newline entities in attribute values were incorrectly exported as literal newlines.
0029928: The WSAPI allowed an attempt to convert a moderated memoQ TB to QTerm, which failed and left the term base in an inconsistent state.
0029932: "Export (stored path)" stopped working when removing a target language from a local project and then publishing it.
0029933: A general error occurred during Transit package export in specific cases.
0029939: Creating a new online project from a default template failed using 8.0.29 client and 28/29 server.
0029941: Custom code execution timeout was not handled gracefully.
0029942: PPTX: Importing a document containing an equation failed.
0029943: We have fixed several minor issues in the Task tracker feature to automatically remove tasks after a given number of days.
0029946: We have fixed several minor GUI and text issues in the "Resolve language conflicts" of the Pseudo-translate feature.
0029949: Disabling non-translatables disabled automatic insertion.
0029952: SDLXLIFF: comment was not exported into catalog for trans units with non-translatables content.
0029956: Exporting a bilingual from an empty view caused an error.
0029964: Changing default server resources from the "factory" defaults did not work.
0029970: Project metadata was lost when importing a translation package (mqout), in a specific case.
0029971: List field from SDL Trados TMX was not imported in a specific case.
0029972: XML: line feed was missing from the exported file in a specific case.
0029721: PDF: Only the first page of the document was imported in specific case.
0029729: DOCX: File was corrupted after export in specific case.
0029704: Document history compatibility error occurred in memoQ server 8.0 in specific case.
0029723: In the Add folder structure dialog, typing a new line in the Base path field caused an error.
0029716: "Empty square" characters shown instead of Japanese text in the compare boxes under the Translation results pane in specific case.
0029724: Tauyou MT plugin: No result in memoQ 8.0.
0029717: Multilingual XML filter: importing an XML file with no encoding declaration failed in specific case.
0029421: Character corruption issue in specific case when importing CSV data into QTerm.
0029704: Document history compatibility related error in 8.0 server.
0029703: memoQ server didn't start after installation and activation at first try in specific case.
0029699: "Copy source to target" operation didn't change the segment status on a single segment.
0024059: TM editor showed +1 as ID for new row, even after saving.
0029332: PPTX: importing specific document failed due to validation error.
0029684: memoQ didn't select the template automatically after starting the project creation by clicking on the template next to the New Project button.
0029689: DOCX: memoQ wasn't able to import a DOCX file exported by itself in specific cases with embedded charts.
0029668: Sorting documents by name in a project in didn't take into account the relative path if it was shown: documents were still sorted by their name only.
0029685: memoQ failed to start after install under specific circumstances.
0029649: Customer Portal: on the "Team" page, last column has been renamed to "Status", with values "Active", "Deleted" and "Pending".
0029686: When inserting long target segment from a TM, etc hit, the target segment box in the document didn't expand horizontally.
0029645: Customer Portal: we have removed some unnecessary menu items for features that are not implemented.
0029646: Customer Portal: we have made a change so that memoQ server will also launch the project if a fully automated workflow is initiated, so that no manual launch step is required.
0029651: Customer Portal: We have renamed and rearranged the workflow options in for better clarity.
0029647: Customer Portal: users were able to delete a project template that were associated with services.
Customer Portal: Web browsers are automatically redirected to HTTPS from now.
0029683: DOCX: Exported change-tracked document had too many tabs in specific case.
0029675: User interface issues could prevent the creation of a Language Terminal connected local project from a template.
0029662: DOCX: track changed document failed to export in specific case.
0029680: Opening a specific change-tracked translation document crashed memoQ.
0029673: PO: Gettext filter generated extra lines on export in specific case.
0029520: HTML: memoQ only partially imported a specific HTML document.
0029672: It was impossible to confirm segment in 8.0 in a views.
0029654: WSAPI AvailableCount call returned a value inconsistent with the specification.
0029663: An extra tag was added to an exported file in a specific case.
0029431: XLIFF:doc status mapping related issue.
0029656: An error occurred in a specific case after long user inactivity. The error could not be reproduced – this is a possible fix.
Initial 8.0 release was 8.0.28