Improvements on the memoQ Preview
The HTML-based preview pane in memoQ has long been one of the software’s strongest assets. We have made it even better! See what is new in the memoQ preview pane here
Preview for huge Word documents
Limit on the preview’s size is a thing of the past. No matter how big the Word file, memoQ can now handle the preview.
Preview for PPTX is back in business!
Experience a performance boost for the preview creation phase of translation document imported for Office formats. PowerPoint presentations can be previewed without having to rely on the installation of PowerPoint on your machine.
Search directly in the preview pane
Are you doing software localization or translating Excel files? From now on, you can jump to the right part of a document by searching for bits of external information that are not imported for translation, but are visible in the preview.

Translation Work Related Improvements
New integrations, increased compatibility with other tools, and much more!
Translate PDFs easily through the integrated TransPDF service
memoQ is now integrated with the state-of-the-art TransPDF service. You can translate PDF files without leaving memoQ, with minimum loss of formatting, and without having to do tedious manual preparation. (You need to have a valid TransPDF subscription).
Full compatibility with changes-tracked SDLXLIFF and Studio's translation QA
In the newest version of memoQ you can import and export tracked changes in Studio formats, just like in the case of Word documents. In addition, memoQ is now compatible with the Translation Quality Assurance feature of Studio. Translation errors identified by reviewers will be imported and exported along with quality metrics and scoring.
Introducing Quick search and improved Advanced search
If you need to quickly find a text, now you can easily get there with a new, simple and clear Quick find window. What’s more, Advanced search has excellent features like comment searching and context identifiers.
Make the best of Retina displays
Very high-resolution displays are becoming increasingly common. If you are one of these users, you can now experience the same quality that memoQ already provides on a smaller resolution. Translation grid and ribbon icons are just some of the few elements we have made improvements on.
Prices with four-digit precision in Language Terminal
Language Terminal’s pricing strategies now allow the definition of unit rates with the precision of four decimal places.

Project Related Improvements
memoQ 8.1 makes project management easier and provides integration with the neural MT engines from Google and Bing.
Powerful auto-archive of stale online projects
From now on memoQ server users can keep track when a memoQ online project was last modified. This enables the sorting of team projects in a way that the most active ones are on the top, and also makes it possible to (even automatically) archive projects that have become inactive by not getting modified for a given number of days.
Connect to the neural MT engines of Google or Microsoft
You can now select the option within memoQ to connect to the neural MT engines of Google and Microsoft. Requirement: You need to have a valid subscription for the 3rd party services to utilize this function.
Powerful out-of-the-box “find and replace” script added to pre- and post-process complex file formats
The powerful scripting framework in memoQ project templates now receives a built-in sample script that you can utilize to convert your nasty file formats into file formats you can easily process with memoQ. In case of "nasty" text based (e.g. UTF8) file formats, this sample pre- and post-processing script can prepare files for translation and when the translation is finished, it can convert files back to their original "unusual” formats.
Pseudo-Translate with less hassle than ever.
There are now even more options regarding text length, special or accented characters, etc., to set up pseudo-translation exactly as needed e.g. in complex software localization projects.
Bilingual termbases in multilingual projects
With the new memoQ version you can use TBs with fewer languages than your project has.
Own shortcut for the memoQ server deployment tool
The memoQ server deployment tool (used for installing, upgrading, or backing up a memoQ server) now has its own shortcut that makes launching and uninstallation much easier.

What is new in Customer Portal?
Customer Portal was introduced earlier this year and is now improved!
Custom branding
Customer Portal now allows company-specific branding by replacing the main logo and the application color scheme.
Enhanced deadlines
Deadline handling has been revamped to better serve both customers and project managers: requests with impossible deadlines can now be identified and corrected. Deadline changes by either customers or PMs will result in notifications for the other party.
Change Logs
0030270: Weighted counts cannot be changed.
0030278: Advanced Find and Replace: "Find All" does not list matches from source if replace text is given.
0030280: Filename is incorrect in statistics result if the import path comes from Content Connector or WSAPI.
0030358: PPT fails to export in memoQ Web in special cases.
0030385: Non-breaking space character is added to empty QTerm fields during CSV import, empty fields are shown in memoQ pretty-print.
0030389: TM Settings: Inline tag strictness setting ignored.
0030397: Pseudo-Translation: Expansion mode shortens the target in some cases.
0030404: Cannot deliver handoff packages via memoQWeb.
0030479: Server Administrator: Clicking on Windows SSO gives error.
0030482: PO: content is missing after export.
0030492: XLF: trans-unit is empty after export.
0030498: Images are not visible in preview in memoQ WebTrans.
0030501: PDF: Prepared TransPDF file shows no text if special characters are in the filename.
0030503: From now on, memoQ client installer will not do the license eligibility check when performing a silent install.
0030506: DOCX: Index markers are not exported correctly.
0030507: DOCX: Error occurs during export with joined, change-tracked segments.
0030510: Export difference as change-tracked Word file always sets the Word file language to Hungarian.
0030517: Issue with opening mqout file while memoQ is closed.
0030518: Sort LiveDocs keyword dropdown alphabetically.
0030520: Advanced Find and Replace: Preview and replace > Replace This - not changing segment status as Edited.
0030523: Advanced Find and Replace: Friendly label for summary of a search scope missing.
0030536: QA: Running QA threw an error message in specific cases under Windows 7.
0030544: SSO: Cannot add/remove users in online projects and cannot assign users to documents after a user is removed from a project.
0030545: LiveDocs: Importing an specific file into Livedocs fails.
0030547: XLIFF: import fails when adjusting states in some cases.
0030567: Advanced Find and Replace: Replacing in a view produces General Error when launched from Find and Replace Results.
0030587: Unable to synchronize offline copy of a resource.
0030593: Non-translatables are recognized within long words, which produces false QA warnings.
0030597: Automated actions defined in a template are executed in reverse order.
0030602: MIF: Text is omitted on export in some cases.
0030607: Cannot publish local project on memoQ server if the same TB is assigned to more than one language.
0030616: Sort projects on the dashboard doesn't work when using Two-Row View.
0030622: MultiTerm XML: entries are ignored if language code is same but case differs.
0030624: Clarification on the "Preview is not available" page.
0030627: Cannot re-import XLIFF in a multilingual project.
0030630: SSO: not possible to edit AD or SAM user fields from memoQ client 8.1.
0030631: Multilingual delimited text + Regex Tagger: some content is not exported.
0030636: Update package import fails if only document assignment changes.
0030644: DOCX: Export fails with specific document.
0030646: General error when extracting terms to an ENG(US)-GER term base from an ENG-GER project.
0030648: XLF: Unable to export the document.
0030655: Publishing a project with missing resources fails.
0030667: Restoring a project from archive fails.
0030682: No project permission for TB in some cases.
0030689: Visual indication of deadline misses on system time change not updated in some cases.
0030690: Hide deadline spinner in Translations list.
0030691: TB not imported from handoff package.
0030713: WSXZ: Exporting a Trados Studio WSXZ file from memoQ creates two SDLXLIFF files in the package.
0030714: Using pin option on default templates cause General error.
0030720: Filter users arrow points oppositely in availability calendar.
0030723: Error when clicking on the pop-up alert in the manage project window.
0030744: Earlier start date warning while creating an LT connected online project.
0030748: Can't open the detailed progress in memoQ Web from Language Terminal.
0030752: Project becomes unmanageable after trying to import an older update package.
0030760: Subvendor PM can move an online project into the recycle bin.
0030764: Internal application error when lowering rank of TB.
0030472: "New" Find and replace: Settings summary disregarded tag search setting.
0030353: "New" Find and replace: We've made minor UI changes based on user feedback: tab order, Enter, hotkeys.
0030354: "New" Find and replace: We've added a "Replace and next" button.
0030388: "New" Find and replace: We've reorganized the "Find and Replace" ribbon group.
0030390: "New" Find and replace: Ribbon always reverted to the "Quick Access" tab after using Find (next).
0030391: "New" Find and replace: We've added an option for default "Find where" options.
0030392: "New" Find and replace: When defining custom keyboard shortcuts, the Find/Replace functions were erroneously labeled "Advanced".
0027518: When upgrading a server, the database changes could time out in some cases.
0028880: TM settings soft filter was not applied in specific case.
0029417: Some Help buttons did not work.
0029761: Trados Studio packages - TM was not visible when importing the package in specific case.
0030074: QA: "Verify segment ends with the same punctuation mark as source" check did not consider full width/half width question marks.
0030102: Searching in Korean TM failed in specific case.
0030140: WorldServer: exported file was different when imported with cascading and non-cascading filters.
0030175: Spellchecker gave false warnings for abbreviations at the end of segments.
0030200: Right-to-left target languages (Arabic, etc): after inserting a suggestion from translation results, it was first aligned to the left instead of right.
0030223: TM Editor: Find and replace did not work for source texts.
0030313: SDLPPX: Import failed in specific case.
0030331: Customer Portal: Translatable document of quote wasn't imported to the manually PM-created project.
0030345: Exporting Trados-compatible bilingual doc failed in a specific case with a DOCX original file.
0030348: TransPDF: the memoQ user interface was unresponsive while downloading final PDF.
0030350: Disabling a Subvendor group had no effect on user access from the subvendor.
0030352: Reassigning a job from a subvendor did not work in specific case.
0030356: Adding a language pair to a user did not work if the user was in an Active Directory group.
0030363: MuliXML: Export failed for specific file with empty source node.
0030366: QA check failed in specific case when the Target to Source Translation Consistency check was enabled.
0030367: Find replace failed in specific case in a LiveDocs alignment document.
0030369: False grammar check underlining appeared in segments with tags in specific cases.
0030371: Second "Replace all" command failed in LiveDocs if no project was opened.
0030374: DOCX: Cannot export document with Export (Dialog) and Export bilingual.
0030375: Resources API (TM): Lookup always returned fragment hits.
0030386: Hitting Enter after filling Name in "New term base" made the page unresponsive.
0030394: Error occurred when creating LQA report for filtered rows.
0030396: There were two different icons for project checkout at the two locations.
0030399: With more than one occurrence of the same non-translatable in a segment, only the first hit was highlighted.
0030403: DOCX: export failed in some cases with an error saying "Close tags should be structural" .
0030407: WSXZ package: TMs were not imported properly in specific case.
0030411: Clicking on "View result" in Task Tracker closed the window instead of showing the report's result.
0030414: Dashboard did not show after opening the memoQ client with memoq:// URIs.
0030417: Header width adjusting did not work properly in the recycle bin.
0030419: GUI: Changing the layout to "Results on Top" was not saved.
0030420: Discussions at document level were treated as project level and generated an error.
0030421: Offline help file is available again.
0030423: Automatic project archival scheduling produced an error with certain frequency values.
0030424: With certain settings, the "Save" button remained disabled in the Archiving category in Server administrator.
0030426: Import got stuck when trying import a TM in a specific case.
0030427: Tracked changes were not imported when the "import comments" function was also enabled.
0030429: Term extraction: accepted items did not provide lookup results.
0030430: A custom XML-HTML cascading filter failed with a specific file.
0030434: The new "Last modified" header wasn't visible by default on the dashboard.
0030438: Server update failed with error in a specific case.
0030442: DOCX: import failed if track changes was enabled and applied to footnotes.
0030443: Toggling spellcheck via installing new dictionary from file did not enable 'Curly underlines' feature immediately.
0030445: The highlight got shifted for LSC results in the translation results pane.
0030446: Restoring a server project archive on a different server will from now on work to the extent that it is possible.
0030447: Track changes underlining and strike-through were not properly reflecting the change in the text in some cases.
0030448: In the Advanced Filters window, keyboard shortcuts didn't work after opening because the window didn't receive the focus.
0030452: Navigation between textboxes in "Edit project template" window didn't work as expected with the Tab key.
0030469: Importing terminology into an online term base with different languages caused errors.
0030470: DOCX: Exporting a specific document failed with unnecessary tag in translation.
0030493: Restoring an 8.0 project archive (with TB assignments) failed in specific case.
0030499: Find and replace in the TM editor resulted in an error after clean install.
memoQWeb fixes:
0030290: Graphical glitch at the bottom of the WebTrans grid.
0030306: When assigning documents to translators on the Web PM interface, the bottom part of some characters was not visible.
0030440: "Limit favorite languages" option was not working on Profile page in memoQWeb.
0030467: memoQweb became unresponsive on "loading" status when opening a document to translate, in a specific case.
0030475: We've fixed a typo in the "Archive project" confirmation dialogue in memoQweb.
0030245: In place of an Image in a QTerm termbase entry, a part of the memoQWeb user interface was shown.
0029761: SDLPPX: TM was not visible after importing the package.
0029852: MIF: missing font in variable definition.
0029858: TB could not be created with some newly added languages: Albanian, Spanish (Latin A.), French (Afr, Morocco).
0029914: When deleting a term base, the temporary "Live backup" folders created by a previous repair operation were not deleted.
0029995: memoQ showed extra tags at the start and end of segments in sdlxliff files in some cases.
0030002: Server Administrator, Customer Portal: Adding languages to "Languages to offer" list did not work properly by double click.
0030004: memoQ become unresponsive when confirming segment in large view ("Collection was modified").
0030057: Customer Portal automatic quote and project creation failed if the project template contained "launch" action for the "project created" trigger.
0030114: For a user working on a memoQ package, permission was not granted for TMs unless the user had explicit permission.
0030122: Customer Portal automatic projects always imported embedded images.
0030167: Upgrading server to 8.x failed with an error in some cases.
0030192: Truncated text in "Add target language" dialog.
0030202: User could not add term after the missing language was added to the TB.
0030203: Saving resource permissions didn't work when the permission list was empty.
0030211: Picture and formatted text could be pasted to "command line arguments" edit box when editing file pre and post-processing scripts (before import and after export scripts).
0030213: Lookup errors occurred on specific memoQ server.
0030215: SDLXLIFF: import failed with German system locale settings because of some date format issue.
0030216: Missing localized string.
0030217: MQXLZ: Error when importing specific mqxlz file.
0030218: Online project - Using the Refresh button caused general error in some cases.
0030220: QTerm: Date values in filters were decremented by one day whenever a filter was saved.
0030221: Importing bilingual files in corpus failed.
0030222: General error occourred in the TM editor, when closing with unsaved changes.
0030223: TM Editor: Find and replace was not working for source text.
0030225: Filtering added extra empty rows in "Edit project template" window, Term bases tab.
0030228: Server upgrade to 8.1.3 failed in some cases.
0030236: memoQ became unresponsive during pre-translate in a specific case.
0030237: TransPDF files had paragraph based segmentation, from now they'll be segmented according to project segmentation settings.
0030238: PPTX filter preview generated tag instead of actual text.
0030241: XLF: target trans-units were empty after exporting the document.
0030242: Importing an SDLPPX or Transit package imported term base but did not add it to the project in some cases.
0030243: Column headers shifted in "Resolve errors and warnings" and "Review changes and conflicts" tabs, in some cases.
0030250: Error occurred in QA if a target tag was not in the tag definition of the document
0030251: Layout issue on the "Project From Template" dialog .
0030259: Checking out a project with a 8.1 client from a 7.8 server failed in some cases.
0030261: Storing a term in Term Base failed in some cases.
0030262: Fixes for memoQ and Dragon Naturally Speaking compatibility.
0030263: Custom code executable with dependent files failed to execute in some cases.
0030264: DOCX file failed to export through API in a specific case.
0030266: DOCX: import did not recognize text in bubbles, arrows and WordArts.
0030268: WS-API: ApiKey header element had to have namespace reference.
0030270: Weighted counts could not be changed in a specific case.
0030273: Monolingual review: wrong number of segments were changed and also additional space was added at the beginning of certain segments.
0030278: Find All did not list matches from source if replace text was given.
0030280: Filename was incorrect in statistics result in a specific case.
0030285: General error occurred after opening an empty pdf.
0030287: DOCX: Unable to export specific document.
0030289: Turning off Autopilot in a project resulted in an error in a specific case.
0030291: Spellcheck: replacing a word with a suggestion didn't respect formatting.
0030294: Displaying preview was slow after switching document tab.
0030295: Progress didn't move while importing large pptx documents.
0030303: Muli: Import fails if there are more target languages in a project than in the filter.
0030304: Error details during server project archive restore were not preserved.
0030310: We've hidden the Scroll left/Scroll right/All open documents buttons when they were not required (not enough documents to require scrolling).
0030311: Error occurred when sorting projects based on last modification on the Dashboard.
0030318: Error occurred when unticking corpus from online project in project management window.
0030325: Import failed in specific case with custom filter set in template.
0030327: memoQ server used up system memory when it could not send email notification.
0030328: Project field in template showed predefined value.
0030330: "The specified path, file name, or both are too long error" occurred when opening specific project in 8.1.
0030342: Error occurred when clicking on filter configuration in specific case.
0030359: Connecting to content connector failed when creating content connected local or online projects.
0030365: Looking up in termbases with Ctrl + P did not return any result in specific case.
0030368: "Review change" report action's label missing in History.
0030370: INDD: memoQ failed to add converted file to project in specific case.
Initial 8.1 release was 8.1.4