memoQ 9.1が遂に登場!

memoQ 9.1では、翻訳品質を向上させるAntidoteとのインテグレーション、新しいPDFプレビューツール、20以上の機械翻訳エンジンへアクセスできるIntentoの機械翻訳ゲートウェイプラグインなどの機能が導入されています。今すぐご体験ください!



さまざまなユーザーニーズに応えるため、またトロントに新たに北米本部を開設したことを記念して、memoQ 9.1にAntidoteとのインテグレーション機能を搭載しました。

Antidoteはフランス語と英語のライティング支援ソフトウェアの市場リーダーです。 memoQから文書をエクスポートし、WordにインポートしてAntidoteを実行し、さらにmemoQにインポートしなおすという手間は、もう必要ありません。 memoQ 9.1では、ボタンを1回押すだけでAntidoteのCorrector機能が利用できます。

memoQ Machine Translation


memoQ 9.1では、1つのプラグインで20以上の機械翻訳プロバイダへアクセスできる、memoQ初の機械翻訳ゲートウェイであるIntentoとのインテグレーションが導入されています。

Intentoは、単一のAPIを使って複数のベンダーへのアクセスを提供しているIT企業です。 新しいプラグインは、単一の機械翻訳プラグインと同様に動作します。 Google Cloud AutoMLやAmazon Translate、Baidu Translateなど、さまざまな機械翻訳エンジンを思う存分使いこなしましょう。

PDF Preview Tool - memoQ


memoQの最新リリースには、ユーザーの作業を強力に支援する新機能や機能のアップデートが常に導入されます。memoQで翻訳するPDFファイルが、きれいに編集・デザインされていればと思うことはありませんか?そんなユーザーのニーズに応えるために、memoQ 9.1ではPDFプレビューツールを導入しました。



memoQ 9.1.9
11月 21, 2019
BUG-2050: An issue with a performance counter for memoQ Server might render it inaccessible for some time

BUG-2445: Content Connector: You may find intermittent errors when trying to deliver documents to an SVN source

BUG-2226: Filtering for a specific file format in a project's Translations list may show non-matching or hide matching items

BUG-2411: If you delete a user in subvendor manager role from memoQ Server, email notifications keep going to their email address

BUG-1964: Links may be extended beyond what is actually intended to be the text of that particular link in the Preview pane under special circumstances

BUG-1399: memoQ may not recognize all types of Chinese colons

BUG-2475: memoQ Server WS-API: Documentation of the RunQAGetReportOptions entity is deficient

BUG-2554: memoQWeb: Project name placeholders defined in project templates may not be resolved on the project creation screen

BUG-2400: Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter: You may be unable to import a specific file unless you first open and resave it in Microsoft Excel for invalid surrogate characters

BUG-2496: Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter: You may be unable to export a document if worksheet labels are translated

BUG-2305: Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter: You may not be able to import some specific documents created from macro-enabled Excel 2013+ files (XLSM) with the "Downgrade document to Office 2007" option

BUG-2457: Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter: You may not be able to import textbox contents under special conditions

BUG-2509: Microsoft Visio (VSD, VSDX) filter: You may not be able to export corrupted documents with segment breaking tags placed after paragraph markers

BUG-2539: PO Gettext (PO) filter: You may not have preview for documents containing empty segment pairs

BUG-2435: Replace all may not work if you are looking for a regex search term with look-ahead or look-behind construct, and the replacement term contains a capturing group, even though you are informed all occurrences were replaced

BUG-1924: SDL Trados Studio Project Package (SDLPPX) filter: You may not be able to create SDLRPX return packages from SDL packages with specific segmentation logic and containing tracked changes

BUG-2242: Searching in QTerm termbases from memoQ desktop clients may take long under special circumstances

BUG-2325: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: If you try to import a package with a source or target language code 1067 (Armenian), you receive an error the language code is not recognized

BUG-2485: The Advanced Find and replace dialog shows unlocalized items

BUG-1620: Video Preview: The font used in preview does not contain Chinese characters

BUG-2499: When you are working in the Regex Tagger's configuration window and press Alt+O, memoQ selects the "Apply only selected rule" radio button instead of closing the window with the OK button

BUG-2418: XLIFF filter: You may be unable to import files with extremely large segments

BUG-2466: You may be unable to change filter and filter configuration if you import a document with options

BUG-2115: You may not be able to create edit distance report in multilanguage projects for all target languages at once

BUG-2409: You may not be able to import a Word DOCX document to your LiveDocs with the Binary import option

BUG-2552: You may not be able to import TBX files renamed to XML files
BUG-2238:An error during archiving a project may cause it to disappear from the list of projects and archives as well

BUG-2408:Cannot launch memoQ when the UI language is set to French

BUG-852:Concordance disregards the "Numeric equivalence" checkbox on the Concordance window

BUG-2059:Concordance search for exact phrases (quoted text) returns non-exact results as well

BUG-2294:File grouping on the "Document import options" dialog is case-sensitive for extensions

BUG-2241:If you try to import a folder structure into a project that contains documents imported from that folder structure, memoQ offers to import these documents as new instead of offering the option to reimport them

BUG-2404:If you try to reload the list of translation memories in the online project management window, you may not get visual indication on how it progresses

BUG-799:Joining two segments may take too long

BUG-2257:Machine Translation:Kantan MT:Applying settings may result in an error

BUG-2281:memoQ Cloud:An error during archiving a project may cause it to disappear from the list of projects and archives as well

BUG-2432:memoQ Server WS-API:The ITMService.CreateAndPublish method does not validate properly the languages of the TM to be created

BUG-2154:memoQWeb:Customer Portal service doesn't accept decimal symbol in pricing

BUG-2304:memoQWeb:Full names of contributors are revealed in discussion items, conflicting with GDPR policies

BUG-2203:memoQWeb:Images may be missing in the preview of Microsoft PowerPoint (PPTX) documents

BUG-2259:memoQWeb:memoQWeb may hang up while trying to load the project list of the Recycle Bin

BUG-2140:memoQWeb:Only members of the Administrators and Project Managers groups can access the Discussion page, others are redirected to WebTrans

BUG-2262:memoQWeb:Security:memoQWeb is vulnerable to a certain kind of XSS (cross-site scripting) attack

BUG-2396:memoQWeb:You may be unable to export files with names containing characters used in Middle East languages

BUG-2232:memoQWeb:You may be unable to open assigned documents for editing if you log in to memoQ using an Active Directory account

BUG-2185:memoQWeb:You may lose your license after 5 minutes of inactivity after navigating to a document for translation from the new PM interface

BUG-2234:memoQWeb:You may not be able to import a TMX file exported from SDL Trados for unexpected language codes

BUG-1209:Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter:memoQ imports some of the contents from the second sheet despite that only one range on the first sheet is specified to import

BUG-2352:Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter:memoQ may not download images located on the internet and linked in worksheets, and may, therefore, not show them in the preview

BUG-2019:Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter:Cannot export a specific document if the source file is missing

BUG-2356:Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter:You may not be able to export a document from memoQ if it was exported to MQXLIFF and paid a visit to SDL Trados Studio, for an error in SDL Trados Studio making the exported bilingual document corrupt

BUG-1432:Predictive typing suggestions may get stuck on-screen if you use smart quotes and type a quote with the prediction list open

BUG-2324:QTerm:Forbidden terms are not marked as forbidden in Print/Glossary view

BUG-1378:QTerm:Forbidden terms are not shown properly in printed downloadable PDF and RTF documents

BUG-2231:QTerm:If you try to import a TBX file, you may receive an undefined error during file upload

BUG-2075:QTerm:Text direction of the "Term text" text box is right-to-left (RTL) while the selected language is a left-to-right (LTR) language

BUG-2163:QTerm:You may be directed to a non-existing page when clicking on an image attached to a term

BUG-2240:QTerm:You may not be able to import termbases saved to CSV from Microsoft Excel in invalid format

BUG-2291:SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter:memoQ may add extra tags to exported SDLXLIFF files if you choose to display formatted text instead of displaying the appropriate tags

BUG-2221:Search keywords "Created by" and "Created on" are left unlocalized in the project filter on the memoQ PM dashboard

BUG-1980:Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter:Cannot export a specific PPF package for wrong path values in the package

BUG-2144:Table RTF filter:You may be unable to export a document to Table RTF format from online projects

BUG-2444:The link in email notifications about changes in discussions may be broken

BUG-866:Transit Package (PPF, PXF) filter:The "Users can join split segments" checkbox gets selected in online projects created from Transit packages even if the setting was not selected during project creation

BUG-1701:XML filter:Choosing the Required value from the Required drop-down list for tag import settings produces multiple QA hits

BUG-2024:YAML (YML) filter:Cannot import files with child elements not sorted alphabetically

BUG-2147:YAML (YML) filter:Multi-line segments are not imported properly

BUG-2012:You may not be able to properly filter for files with names consisting of digits and dashes only in the Translations tab of projects

BUG-2042:You may not receive QA warning when the number of the brackets in the source differs from that in the target

BUG-2274:You may receive a false QA warning if two or more auto-translation rules apply to the same number

BUG-2276:You may receive an error in Antidote if track changes is turned on in memoQ and the Final view is active

BUG-2271:You may receive an error when you try to import documents from a SharePoint location
BUG-2238:An error during archiving a project may cause it to disappear from the list of projects and archives as well

BUG-2276:Error in Antidote when Track Changes is on in memoQ and Final TC view is selected

BUG-2257:Machine Translation:Kantan MT:Applying settings may result in an error

BUG-2281:memoQ Cloud:An error during archiving a project may cause it to disappear from the list of projects and archives as well

BUG-2141:memoQWeb:Cannot add new termbase entries to memoQ termbases on cloud servers running in Microsoft Azure

BUG-2081:memoQWeb:Cannot switch to the Discussions page of the new memoQWeb PM app in specific infrastructures involving a combination of HTTP and HTTPS connections

BUG-2154:memoQWeb:Customer Portal service doesn't accept decimal symbol in pricing

BUG-2304:memoQWeb:Full names of contributors are revealed in discussion items, conflicting with GDPR policies

BUG-2376:memoQWeb:You may be unable to export QTerm termbases from the new memoQWeb

BUG-2232:memoQWeb:You may be unable to open assigned documents for editing if you log in to memoQ using an Active Directory account

BUG-2185:memoQWeb:You may lose your license after 5 minutes of inactivity after navigating to a document for translation from the new PM interface

BUG-2234:memoQWeb:You may not be able to import a TMX file exported from SDL Trados for unexpected language codes

BUG-2163:QTerm:You may be directed to a non-existing page when clicking on an image attached to a term

BUG-2148:The filter "binary" has been replaced with an import option reading "import as is", and this may be misleading for some users

BUG-2083:The German translation of the label "Cancel" is truncated on the filter selector dialog

Initial 9.1 release was 9.1.7

memoQ 9.1の準備はできていますか?

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