Willkommen, memoQ 9.3!

memoQ 9.3 bietet die Integration mit Amazon MT, neue memoQWeb-Funktionen für das Projektmanagement, eine neu gestaltete Bedieneroberfläche für die Aufgabenverwaltung in memoQWebTrans, zusätzliche Optionen, mit denen mehrere TBs und TMs zu/von einem Projekt auf einmal hinzugefügt bzw. entfernt werden können und vieles mehr.

memoQ Machine Translation

Integration von maschineller Übersetzung auf die nächste Ebene gebracht

Wir wissen, wie wichtig die maschinelle Übersetzung (MT) für Sie ist, daher haben wir diese Version um einige Zusatzfunktionen und Verbesserungen erweitert. Amazon ist nun ein verfügbares MT-Plugin. Außerdem bietet memoQ jetzt eine Schnittstelle, über die Terminologien hochgeladen und ausgewählt werden können. In memoQ 9.3 wird darüber hinaus eine bessere Handhabung der Tags mit Google-MT- und Microsoft-MT-Plugins angeboten, einschließlich der Möglichkeit zwischen HTML und XML zu wählen. 

memoQWeb PM

memoQ-Funktionalität immer besser

Letztes Jahr erschien memoQWeb für die Projektmanager in einem völlig neuen Gewand. Dieses Jahr erhält es neue Funktionen und Verbesserungen: Die Fähigkeit, XLSX-Dateien in Termdatenbanken zu importieren, und eine Live-Vorschau, mit der Sie importierbare Spalten und ihre Bedeutungen in der Termdatenbank (TB) einsehen, also, das Ergebnis sehen und die Einstellungen verändern können.

Batch Operations feature

Worauf all unsere Benutzer schon lange warten: Stapelverarbeitung

Mit memoQ 9.3 haben wir Veränderungen eingeführt, die sowohl für freiberufliche Übersetzer als auch Projektmanager von Nutzen sind. Je nach Ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen können Sie mehrere Translation Memories (TMs) und mehrere Termdatenbanken (TBs) auf einmal in einem Projekt auswählen und hinzufügen/entfernen.  Außerdem können Sie mehrere TMs und TBs einem mehrsprachigen Projekt hinzufügen, wobei memoQ die richtigen Sprachpaare automatisch richtig zuordnet.

memoQ Webtrans

memoQWebTrans: Sie haben volle Kontrolle über Ihre Aufgaben.

Die Bedieneroberfläche zur Aufgabenverwaltung im memoQWebTrans erscheint in neuem Look. Es handelt sich hier aber beileibe nicht nur um optische Veränderungen. Sie können sich nun einer ganzen Reihe neuer Funktionen erfreuen, wie Sortieren, Filtern und individuell einstellbarer Optionen zur Ansicht. Als einer der Hauptakteure in der Sprachdienstleistungsbranche sind wir stets darum bemüht, aus Ihren Erfahrungen zu lernen. Mit diesen neuen Funktionen gelingt genau das.

Other features and enhancements

UX und Kompatibilität: So können kleine Änderungen großes bewirken

Die Verbesserung der täglichen Benutzererfahrung und Kompatibilität ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Daher enthält 9.3 einige wenige aber wesentliche Verbesserungen. memoQ 9.3 bietet eine schnellere Auflistung von TM und TBs innerhalb der Ressourcenkonsole und Projektschnittstellen der Client-Applikation. Wir haben außerdem die Workflows mit importierten SDLXLIFF- und SDLPPX-Dateien mit Sprachcodes, Informationen zu den nachverfolgbaren Veränderungen und mit der Handhabung von Tags verbessert.

Did you know? All about Rigi integration

We’ve been working with integration partner Rigi for many years now. And like a good wine, that partnership – and the benefits for you – just keep getting better over time. Now you can: 

  • Localize UI text using interactive HTML previews, which will lead to a significant drop in QA issues and related costs. 
  • Perform Advanced Language Acceptance Testing via cloud platform. This lets testers enter comments and suggestions in an interactive environment and gives translators immediate access to issues. 
  • With Live! translators can navigate on live site and make corrections on the fly. 
  • Generate images of full pages or regions in all target languages with just a click of a button. 

Protokolle ändern

Juni 15, 2021

BUG-4950: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: You may not be able to import certain documents with nested paragraph styles
BUG-4922: Customer Portal: You may be unable to upload reference files larger than 4 MB
BUG-5102: Localization: Font styles are not localized in the Appearance tab of the Options dialog
BUG-5100: Localization: Some text in Keyboard shortcuts is left unlocalized
BUG-4873: memoQ disregards subfolders you specify as exclusions in the Import folder structure dialog
BUG-4809: memoQWeb: If you click "Accept/Reject this change and move to next", you are taken to the next segment instead of next change
BUG-5067: memoQWeb: Progress information may be inaccurate if you filter the list of documents
BUG-4986: memoQWeb: The project info box may not show the Customer Portal Quote ID
BUG-4909: memoQWeb: You may be falsely advised an export operation succeeded when it actually failed completely or partially
BUG-4845: memoQWeb: You may receive an error if you reject a segment with an LQA error while track changes is enabled
BUG-4821: Smart quotes display wrong quote characters for Turkish
BUG-5046: Some post-export scripts run as part of custom code execution may report errors in Task tracker when exporting ZIP files, even though the operation succeeds
BUG-5083: Source segment editing doesn't support the toggle case feature
BUG-4157: Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: Some sublanguages are not mapped properly
BUG-5023: You may be unable to export a document if all types of comments and tracked changes are enabled
BUG-5119: You may be unable to import a TBX file to memoQ that you created by exporting a QTerm termbase
BUG-4941: You may get an error on the "Create term base entry" window when you try to select multiple termbases with the same name


Improvement: memoQ Server Resources API: You can retrieve metadata about images attached to QTerm entries
Improvement: memoQ will try to apply the export path rule for folders you add in the first step of the project creation wizard if possible, and will let you know if it's not
Improvement: Oversized preview files out of use are removed to save space

BUG-4222: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: Language Terminal may be unable to convert Adobe InDesign 16.0+ documents
BUG-3456: An ignore list is always added to online projects
BUG-4540: Contents may be lost if you import edits as track changes from a bilingual RTF file
BUG-4399: Emoji and other special characters may cause the export of a translation memory to a TMX file to fail or succeed only partially
BUG-4871: If you sort translations by Translator on the Translations pane in the checked-out local copy of an online project, all translation documents may disappear
BUG-3888: If you split or join segments in a slice of a document, slice boundaries may change, and people working on the same document may suddenly lose some segments or see new segments in their slices
BUG-4874: LQA results (pass/fail) on the Statistics tab contradicts with results shown on the Error lists tab
BUG-4889: Machine Translation: Kantan MT: An issue with how Chinese language codes are mapped between systems may cause the plugin to not work with Chinese
BUG-3969: Machine Translation: Systran MT: If your source segment contains a tag, you only receive translation for the part of the segment before the tag
BUG-3749: memoQ Server WS-API: Importing a document may result in SQL deadlock errors
BUG-4626: Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: If you enable both the "Import sections" and the "Import markup as MemoQ {tags}" options, the first won't be observed
BUG-4712: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: Hidden text may be imported from documents even if the Import hidden text option is disabled
BUG-3597: Pre-translation with TM-driven segmentation may fail in specific rare cases
BUG-4921: You can type a filter configuration name over 50 characters when creating a filter for embedded documents

BUG-3274: CMS: If you submit an order from a CMS connector to the CMS Gateway, memoQ may create projects for all workflows defined for the given CMS connection, regardless of specific language pairs
BUG-4746: Customer Portal: The email notification a PM receives about a quote may contain a wrong link
BUG-4595: If you create a project from a project template, the name of a TM created in response to that template's settings may have a name longer than the allowed 50 characters
BUG-1532: If you import a document after a monolingual review session, segments with no alignment pairs are missing instead of being marked as inserted or deleted segments
BUG-4564: memoQ Server Resources API: Calls to search terms in moderated termbases don't return results
BUG-4631: memoQ Server WS-API: You may receive an error when trying to use the Confirm and Update feature through the API
BUG-4638: memoQ XLIFF (MQXLIFF, MQXLZ) filter: If you export multiple files in this format, you may find incorrect file extensions in the file names
BUG-4653: memoQWeb: If preview data of a document exceeds the 10 MB size limit, and the preview therefore becomes disabled, memoQWeb may become unresponsive or may crash when you enter a segment
BUG-4362: memoQWeb: You don't have preview for Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) documents
BUG-4090: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Emoji characters may prevent exporting documents
BUG-4340: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: You may receive an error if you try to export a document with track changes and special whitespace characters
BUG-4724: The U+FFFF Unicode character may cause memoQ to incorrectly report a pair tagging issue upon document export
BUG-4685: XLIFF filter: You may not be able to export documents with a re-defined namespace in the source file
BUG-4758: You may be unable to change the default settings for a server-based online termbase
BUG-4792: You may be unable to update an online project with an update package for a synchronization error
BUG-3276: You may not receive a warning about a conflict if you confirm a segment that has just been confirmed by someone else

BUG-4761: Improvement: If you click a column header to sort a table by date, you'll see the most recent items on top
BUG-4370: Improvement: If you upgrade memoQ server, files belonging to custom MT plugins are no more removed

BUG-4531: As a Project Manager, you may be unable to edit the email address of users holding membership in a custom group
BUG-4549: Auto-assignment may calculate wrong deadlines if deadlines are tied to executing an action, and the execution occurs out of business hours
BUG-3335: If you add a new term, memoQ may ignore the default Matching setting configured for the termbase
BUG-3322: If you have multiple subvendors configured in a project, each may receive an instance of communication intended to be delivered to only one
BUG-3048: Localization: Some text overlap in French and German UIs
BUG-4607: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The plugin running on memoQ server may crash when trying to get translation for segments containing non-breaking spaces
BUG-4341: memoQ Server WS-API: The SetProjectTranslationDocumentUserAssignments method may change status of other documents to "Not started"
BUG-4533: memoQ Server WS-API: You may be able to create a project with a source language that can only appear as a target language
BUG-4509: memoQWeb: You may experience renumbered tags and QA errors if you change tag order in target segments
BUG-4432: memoQWeb: You may see a strange tag on the target side if you try to insert a tag from the source
BUG-4633: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: You may experience import errors if a document contains range comments with the same ID on both the source and target sides
BUG-3656: The pre-set URL for Termium Plus Canadian web search resource is not well-formed
BUG-3624: When you double-click "The Eye" on top of the Translation results pane to open the Translation results settings dialog, memoQ also invokes the action that you can activate by single-clicking the eye
BUG-4476: You may fail to restore a project archive if there's a missing RowID in one of the archived documents
BUG-4704: You may not be able to access translation memories after upgrading to memoQ 9.6.14 if you previously enabled hybrid TMs
BUG-4437: You may not be able to open specific projects under rare circumstances for a corpus-related discrepancy
BUG-4616: You may receive an error if you want to undo a change right after switching to another segment

BUG-4149: Documentation: A warning was added to let you know the new memoQWeb requires an HTTPS connection
BUG-3819: Improvement: Forbidden terms are exported at term level instead of language level into SDL MultiTerm from now on for increased compatibility

BUG-4408: Content Connector: memoQ may disregard certain document filter settings created in Content Connector for content-connected online projects
BUG-4048: Fragment hit (from TM engine) is calculated over good match from Homogeneity when running Statistics
BUG-4387: If you have the Find and replace results window open and change a segment in a document listed in this window may cause an error if you try to switch back to this window
BUG-4417: If you wrap up a project, you may not be able to open it until restarting memoQ
BUG-3809: Importing a TMX file to a translation memory may fail under rare circumstances
BUG-4334: Machine Translation: Kantan MT: An issue with how Chinese language codes are mapped between systems may cause the plugin to not work with Chinese
BUG-4031: memoQ may crash if you run pseudo-translation
BUG-774: memoQ Server Resources API: QTerm: Trying to create an entry using a POST request fails
BUG-4356: memoQWeb: An issue with how spaces around tags are managed during QA checks may cause memoQ server to crash
BUG-4413: memoQWeb: You may not be able to open a sliced document assigned to you by clicking the link found in the email notification you received
BUG-4034: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: memoQ may show and export an extra line break if a source segment ends with a x000D character
BUG-4032: QTerm: The order of entries may change after modifying a definition
BUG-4394: Security: memoQWeb: You can circumvent TM/TB resource permissions
BUG-3037: The Active projects filter may not be available when you set your location to My computer
BUG-3098: The contents of the Statistics window are not scaled along with Windows Display Settings
BUG-4066: The TM engine may not observe tag strictness settings during pre-translation and statistics operations
BUG-3496: XML filter: The German user interface contains some glitches and incorrect translations
BUG-4205: You can not filter for empty target segments using regular expressions
BUG-3743: You cannot configure the WordFast TM plugin without a password
BUG-3194: You may not be able to import term definitions downloaded from Microsoft Language Portal as a TBX file to memoQ
BUG-4373: You may receive an error if you try to attach a TM settings resource to a translation memory
BUG-4298: You may receive an error if you try to close a LiveDocs document you previously opened for editing in a project
BUG-3855: You may receive an error incorrectly stating your current language pair is not supported by your chosen MT provider if you don't have internet connection
BUG-3647: You may see different results in analysis reports created on a server and on a memoQ client for an inconsistency in how fragment assembly is calculated when running Statistics without pre-translation in memoQ and on a server

BUG-3531: Improvement: memoQ Web Search saves cookies for convenience

BUG-3726: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: Obsolete language code is used for non-Brazilian Portuguese target language

BUG-4121: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: The plugin may report it does not support Serbian with Latin script, while actually it does, because of unaligned communication of Serbian sublanguages

BUG-4158: Machine Translation: MT SDK: memoQ does not convert special characters to HTML entities when submitting source contents for machine translation, and this may cause problems in some MT providers

BUG-4050: memoQ Server Deployment Tool: You may not receive a warning if the required version of the Microsoft .NET Framework is not installed

BUG-4308: memoQWeb: If you select an item for a metadata field of a project based on a template from its drop-down list, your selection may not be displayed, even though it is saved

BUG-3993: memoQWeb: Your custom logo of your translation agency may appear distorted

BUG-4220: Project managers acting in Terminologist role in their projects as well may not receive email notifications

BUG-4266: Searching for dates in memoQ is not working as expected, because of the date format.

BUG-4300: Some single quotes may not be properly converted for some French locales by the smart quotes feature

BUG-4363: You may receive an error if you try to invoke the Find and replace dialog from the Translations list with no documents opened

BUG-3855: You may receive an error incorrectly stating your current language pair is not supported by your chosen MT provider if you don't have internet connection


BUG-3897: Improvement: Add option to memoQ server to make timeout of requests to Content Connector configurable

BUG-3724: Improvement: Resources API: You can now enforce memoQ to only grant those members of the "Resource lookup/update via API/plugins" groups access to TM and TB resources who were explicitly granted permissions to access or update those resources

BUG-3463: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: InDesign thinks the text in the translated file is written in the source language

BUG-3568: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: The exported document may not reflect the formatting of the source accurately in some cases

BUG-3822: Cascading filters: The combination of a JSON and a Regex Text filter may produce corrupted structure in the exported documents in special cases, when one produces a segment, and the other does not

BUG-3225: If you add a new value to the set of predefined values for the Subject field configured with predefined values in a project template by hitting Enter, it may not be highlighted in the list of items you added so far

BUG-3652: If you change a target language in a project template and save your changes, memoQ incorrectly states the source language has been changed

BUG-4113: If you delete the user who is the manager of a subvendor group that is assigned to some documents in a project, you may not be able to make any assignment changes in the given project

BUG-3896: If you set up simultaneous workflow for a translator and a reviewer for a document, and the translator is still working, memoQ may incorrectly inform the reviewer they can not yet start working on the document

BUG-4036: If you turn on track changes, memoQ may skip warning you the target term is missing from a segment if it's only present in the deleted part of a segment

BUG-3694: If you want to ignore just one instance of a QA warning related to non-translatables, memoQ sets them all to ignored in the Resolve errors and warnings tab

BUG-3722: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: Whitespaces around tags may be wrong in inserted translations

BUG-2337: memoQWeb: You may find changed tags in a source segment of a document after you edit its target segment in memoQWeb, and open the project's local copy

BUG-3952: memoQWeb: You may not be able to see images linked from a URL in the Preview pane

BUG-4027: memoQWeb: You may see different progress for a document in memoQWeb and in memoQ TPro/PM due to differences in how locked segments are taken into account when determining progress

BUG-4018: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: Macro buttons with formatting not spanning from their starting tag to their closing tag may cause export to fail with an error claiming for improperly paired inline tags

BUG-2441: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Cannot import 3rd-party XLSX documents missing cell location information

BUG-2946: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: You may be unable to import CSV files containing values separated with line breaks if the last part contains only whitespaces

BUG-3670: Multilingual XML filter: memoQ may incorrectly lock empty segments in CDATA sections

BUG-3742: Multilingual XML filter: Translatable contents in CDATA sections are saved as escaped non-CDATA contents in target documents

BUG-3991: Regex Tagger: You can select this filter in the Filter & configuration column of the Document import options window, and doing so returns an error

BUG-3293: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: If track changes is turned on and you only delete contents from a segment without modifying it any other way, this deletion is not recognized and shown in the exported document

BUG-4022: Security: memoQ Server WS-API: A vulnerability may allow attackers to gain access to system resources by exploiting the mechanism how asynchronous WS-API operations are run

BUG-3705: The Help button on the Edit font list dialog of the Font substitution dialog leads to a wrong page

BUG-3054: The Populate number-only segments feature may yield in duplicated numbers

BUG-3838: TIPP Package (TIP) filter: You may be unable to import XLIFF files from a package if they contain UTF-16 surrogate characters, such as emojis

BUG-3970: Users can change MT settings even if doing so is disabled in the project's workflow settings

BUG-3828: When you want to assign a subvendor to all roles at once in a workflow, the assignment may be set only for the Translator role

BUG-3878: XLIFF filter: You may be unable to export improperly formatted XLIFF documents with target tags placed before seg-source tags in the source document

BUG-3586: XLIFF filter: You may create a custom filter configuration that inadvertently changes statuses of x-machine-translated segments to x-leveraged in the exported XLIFF documents

BUG-4030: You cannot invoke the Find abbreviations feature in document views

BUG-3327: You may be unable to backup a LiveDocs resource if you renamed it and added a special character to its name

BUG-4130: You may be unable to perform X-Translation on documents with tracked changes and segments applied on each other in a previous major version of that document

BUG-3857: You may receive an error when you click the "WorldServer filter" command in the online project management window


BUG-3690: Improvement: Added support for SRX 2.0 used to import segmentation rules

BUG-3275: Improvement: Adobe FrameMaker (MIF) filter: Underlines are removed when exporting the document

BUG-4011: Improvement: Project archives are saved to the server's default archive location to protect from download issues even if you choose the option to download them instantly in the "memoQ archive projects wizard"

BUG-1407 Archiving online projects may fail silently

BUG-3933 CMS: Job creation fails if the content type of the file in the job is not specified

BUG-3688 Content Connector: Documents completed for a single language out of multiple ones may inadvertently be delivered to the content source before the document is completed for all languages in template-based content connected projects

BUG-3894 Corrupted setting files may prevent you from removing duplicates in a translation memory

BUG-3921 Customer Portal: Relative path values are not retained for files when importing a ZIP file with embedded folder structure

BUG-3727 If you assign someone to Reviewer 2 role before assigning someone to Translator role for a document, it may get stuck in Review 2 step instead of reverting to the Translation step in the workflow

BUG-3941 JSON filter: You may be unable to add new keys to a filter configuration after populating the list of keys from a sample file

BUG-3748 Machine Translation: Amazon MT: You may be unable to add the MT provider to projects with a Chinese source language

BUG-3765 Machine Translation: The dynamic learning (self-learning) feature may not work for supporting plugins with no translation memory attached to the project

BUG-3559 Machine Translation: You may be warned that an MT plugin is busy even if you did not add any to your project

BUG-3794 memoQWeb: A security issue may enable users with insufficient privileges to see properties of a TM

BUG-3762 Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX) filter: You may be unable to export some documents with Vietnamese target language under rare circumstances

BUG-3813 Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: Export might take too long making the user to think it won't succeed if the document contains lots of images and textboxes nested in each other

BUG-3272 Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: An error in an external code library might prevent you from exporting a document imported using the option "Update fields and references on export"

BUG-3608 Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: Tracked change may not be exported if a word in the range has a comment added to it

BUG-3575 Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export documents with track changes under rare conditions

BUG-3942 Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may see different formatting in exported files at around locations with lots of different formatting and other tags

BUG-3755 Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: An error in import may prevent you from exporting documents under rare circumstances

BUG-3763 QTerm: If you try to import a MultiTerm termbase to a read-only QTerm termbase, its entries may all get deleted

BUG-3633 Subscripts and superscripts are not retained if regex tagger was applied on them

BUG-3785 When a member of the memoQ server administrators group does not have explicit permission (at least lookup permission) to a TM/TB, then the resource cannot be added to an online project

BUG-3758 WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: QA error 02009 may prevent you from delivering or exporting a translation if the document contains img tags with translatable alt attribute

BUG-3725 You may receive an error if you try to set a translation memory as the Working TM if you manually deleted the files of that TM

BUG-3946 You may receive false positive QA warnings regarding spaces for rules phrased in forms of regular expressions


BUG-3744 Improvement: Document name metadata is now available for the Concordance Search API

BUG-3934 Improvement: EntryId, Modified and Modifier metadata are now available for the Concordance Search API

BUG-3938 Improvement: Machine Translation: IQVIA MT: The plugin is not properly configured for the supported memoQ versions
BUG-3443: memoQ Server WS-API: If you add a segment to a translation memory using the WSTM API, you may find its contained tags appearing in different order in the result of a corresponding lookup operation

BUG-3631: memoQ Server WS-API: Online projects created in Plunet may disappear in memoQ in rare errors related to document delivery

BUG-3424: memoQWeb: The status of a Customer Portal customer may be different in the new and the legacy PM application

BUG-2146: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: An error in the Aspose code library may cause the import to take extremely long

BUG-3686: Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: You may be unable to export a document for said incorrectly paired inline tags, though QA check doesn't indicate any such issues

BUG-3682: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: The Unicode BOM marker may be changed in exported documents even if the option to keep the value found in the source document is turned on

BUG-2497: PHP filter: You may not be able to import documents containing comments inside arrays or text mixed with values in arrays as expected

BUG-3745: QTerm: The icon of the "View/add/remove related entries" command may disappear

BUG-3667: Quotes are displayed instead of apostrophes in HTML QA reports with the "Check translation memory" option selected

BUG-3696: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: Exporting a document may fail if a segment contains unpaired closing tags in a track change range

BUG-3548: SDL Trados Document (SDLXLIFF) filter: The status of a segment which was populated using machine translation may change to suggest it's a manual translation, instead of preserving the MT origin

BUG-3565: The "Store full path" translation memory option is not observed for Confirm and Update operations performed on memoQ servers

BUG-2727: XLIFF filter: An error in state mapping logic might prevent you from successfully configuring xliff:doc filter configurations

BUG-3412: You cannot filter for resources that have a specific field set to blank (left empty) in Resource Console

BUG-3651: You may receive an error when you try to export the results of a term extraction session to a termbase in a scenario where two memoQ Servers are connected and the vendor's child server only has a reference to a termbase instead of having a full copy of it

BUG-3643: You may receive an error when you try to perform term extraction in a scenario where two memoQ Servers are connected, and the vendor's child server only has a reference to a termbase instead of having a full copy of it

BUG-3589: You may spot negative values for database size in the Storage tab of Server Administrator

BUG-3236: Custom code execution performed at export in API-generated projects may cause crash

BUG-3367: FindAndReplace utility: Running the FindAndReplace script causes the encoding of the processed files to change to UTF-8-BOM

BUG-3609: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: Matches are returned using Unicode decimal codes

BUG-3619: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: Pre-translation may not work for Japanese

BUG-3587: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: The plugin incorrectly reports it does not support a specific language

BUG-3164: Machine Translation: DeepL MT: You may not be able to connect to the MT provider using a TLS security protocol older than TLS 1.2

BUG-3617: memoQ may crash when you approach specific segments if both the EuroTermBank and the MyMemory TM plugins are enabled

BUG-3300: memoQWeb: If you want to edit a term via the context menu of the term in WebTrans, you are redirected to your home page

BUG-3420: memoQWeb: The "Deliver to Customer Portal" command may be missing

BUG-3532: memoQWeb: The language pair may become undefined in discussions

BUG-3452: memoQWeb: You cannot log in to memoQ using your Active Directory or Windows credentials

BUG-3308: Microsoft Outlook (MSG) filter: An error in the Aspose code library may cause an error when you try to import an email message file

BUG-3297: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: A bug in the Aspose library results in the corruption of exported Excel XLSX workbooks

BUG-3577: QTerm: If you click "Related topics" for a QTerm term in the legacy memoQWeb, you are taken to your project dashboard instead of the related discussion topic(s)

BUG-3522: QTerm: If you create or edit a filter, you cannot apply it straight, since results of the default filter are shown first

BUG-3481: QTerm: If you generate a PDF document from the glossary or the pretty print view of a termbase, you may be able unable to download the file if the name of the termbase contains characters with umlauts

BUG-3492: QTerm: You may be unable to open a termbase as an admin user if there is no permission granted for the admin user explicitly

BUG-3545: The "Custom" label is shown instead of the custom filter's real name on the "Document import options" dialog

BUG-3501: The "Store full path" translation memory option is not observed for Confirm and Update operations performed on memoQ servers

BUG-2902: The message informing the user about the expected length of the server administrator's password contains an invalid condition on the maximum length

BUG-2869: Too many resources may become open because a TM-related performance counter may cause memoQ to not unload unused TMs if the server is not running low on RAM, yielding in pre-translation errors

BUG-3267: Whitespaces may be displayed incorrectly when you view compared document versions with tracked changes

BUG-2651: XLIFF Filter: If you export a document right after the import, you may receive warnings about empty trans-unit elements and the target document may be corrupted

BUG-3183: YAML filter: "n" characters may be exported as actual line breaks instead of "n" strings

BUG-3553: You can create projects from templates with duplicate target languages, rendering those projects unable to be opened

BUG-3525: You may be unable to edit a remote MT settings resource under rare circumstances

BUG-3471: You may not be able to configure project templates to use LiveDocs and TMs, as well as MT plugins in the course of pre-translation auto actions


BUG-3290: Improvement: Damaged version histories of documents might have caused memoQ servers to become unresponsive or unreachable

BUG-3489: Improvement: If you reassign a document previously assigned with FirstAccept to a specific user, that user won't be invited for FirstAccept automatically

BUG-3256: Improvement: If you select multiple translation memories or termbases in a project, you can quickly add/remove all of them by clicking one of the Use/Remove checkboxes

BUG-3472: Improvement: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: You can configure your service location (region) when configuring the plugin

BUG-2779: Improvement: memoQ Server Resources API: The Created, Creator, Modified and Modifier fields required for term creation are observed

BUG-2643: Improvement: memoQWeb: Manual changes to the document filter configurations of documents for which template-based filter configurations apply are observed

BUG-3255: Improvement: Supported languages for Google, DeepL and Amazon MT plugins can change dynamically

BUG-3259: Improvement: Use/Remove All checkbox added for adding/removing all translation memories or termbases to/from a project

BUG-3126: Improvement: User-specific unsigned private MT plugins can be deployed on memoQ server instances

BUG-3484: Improvement: You can add QTerm termbases to projects even if the set of languages are not exactly the same in the two

BUG-3453: Improvement: You can control whether memoQ should attach QTerm termbases to project packages via API calls when such parameters are not specified
BUG-1602 Choosing to use TM-driven segmentation may cause pre-translation to fail

BUG-3209 Content Connector: When you try to deliver more than one files to the content source, the confirmation prompt may wrongly state you only selected one document

BUG-2512 Hey memoQ: The Hey MemoQ button cannot be removed from the Quick Access Toolbar

BUG-3296 If you reassign the project manager role to a different user in online memoQ projects, that user may not actually receive permissions to manage that project

BUG-3258 Improvement: "Select all" item added to context menus in tables of resources enabling users to perform actions on multiple items at once

BUG-2251 Joining 100+ documents, with preview generated for all, in a view may cause performance degradation

BUG-3205 JSON filter: memoQ may not populate the Keys list on the "Key options" tab of the "Document import settings" dialog after you add a sample file and click Populate

BUG-3218 JSON filter: memoQ may not populate the Keys list on the "Key options" tab of the "Document import settings" dialog after you add a sample file and click Populate if the file contains arrays based on JSON objects

BUG-3109 memoQ Server WS-API: Comments made as responses to LQA report items may not be observed when updating translation documents from MQXLIFF documents

BUG-3167 memoQ Server WS-API: Importing a document may result in SQL deadlock errors

BUG-2898 memoQ XLIFF (MQXLIFF, MQXLZ) filter: An error in exporting documents with skeleton and preview included may prevent memoQ to archive online projects

BUG-3295 memoQWeb: If you log in to memoQWeb or try to open WebTrans, you may receive a "Something went wrong" message

BUG-2528 memoQWeb: You may be logged out from WebTrans after 90 minutes for alleged inactivity even if you were continuously working on a translation

BUG-2900 memoQWeb: You may receive a server error when you try to view the history of a discussion

BUG-3170 Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX) filter: memoQ may fail to keep displaying the preview after you split or join some segments

BUG-3237 Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) filter: Exporting a document with tracked changes may fail if there is a single-character insertion range preceded by another insertion

BUG-3022 MT SDK: memoQ always calls the array overload of TranslateCorrectSegment, while the test client does not

BUG-3318 Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Importing Excel files with hundreds of thousands of formulas may be slow

BUG-3176 OpenDocument (ODT) filter: memoQ may only import headers and footers from documents with empty change tracking ranges

BUG-560 Pre-translation may fail if you check the "Automatically join and split segments for best match" checkbox on the Pre-translate or "Pre-translate and statistics" dialog

BUG-3166 Star Transit Project (PPF, PXF) filter: Wrong language is selected for the Finnish LCID language code 1035

BUG-3210 The German UI contains some incorrect terms on the "Filter for duplicates" dialog

BUG-2917 The help contains a wrong example for export path patterns

BUG-2813 Trying to open a view made of about 1000 or more documents may cause memoQ to go non-responsive and lose CAL licenses

BUG-3266 YAML filter: The option to import lines from multiline scalar blocks into the same segment may not work

BUG-2563 You cannot tell memoQ there's no digit grouping symbol for a language, and the last set value will be restored upon saving such a QA settings resource

BUG-2951 You may be unable to import TBX files to memoQ under special circumstances

BUG-728 You may receive an error if you try to run pre-translation with the "Automatically join and split segments for best match" option on the "Pre-translate" or "Pre-translate and statistics" dialog enabled

BUG-2956 You may receive internal application error when trying to open a specific TMX document imported to a LiveDocs corpus by clicking "View/edit"
BUG-2774: Adobe FrameMaker (MIF) filter: Some text contents are not imported from a specific document even if they are not hidden

BUG-2888: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: Could not import a specific IDML file

BUG-3140: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: Formatting is lost in exported document

BUG-2810: Customer Portal: You may be unable to reach translation server when trying to request quote or translation

BUG-1679: Enabling fragment assembly during pre-translation may cause the process to take forever and the translation memory to deny deleting duplicates

BUG-3111: Help: Information on marking forbidden terms as red missing from topic "Term base Excel import settings page"

BUG-2968: Language Terminal: You may be unable to create LT-connected online projects if with "Spanish (Latin America)" as the source or one of the target languages

BUG-2403: Listing TMs in Resource Console, the online project management window and in the template editor may take too long if you have thousands of TMs, even if the list will contain a few items

BUG-3086: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: You may not receive any translation results for the Chinese (PRC) to English (US) language pair

BUG-2820: memoQ Server WS-API: TranslationDocumentUserRoleAssignmentDetails returns "multiple" for accepted documents instead of assignee's name

BUG-2585: memoQ shows the "No period. Are you sure?" message under the Abbreviation field in projects with German source language when you select the "Word after number" option in the "Add abbreviation" window

BUG-2872: memoQWeb: The custom logo you set may not be displayed on the login page

BUG-2933: memoQWeb: The list of projects may not be displayed under rare circumstances

BUG-2892: memoQWeb: You may be unable to upload (import) large documents to memoQWeb if the request length in Microsoft IIS is set to a low value

BUG-2912: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Can not export Excel file with one member of an rpr tag pair missing in the target

BUG-3058: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: memoQ can not export documents containing emojis with text formatting (such as bold face) applied

BUG-3020: QTerm: Deleting entries makes history (ChangeLog) files grow

BUG-2655: QTerm: memoQ may fail to convert specific characters to XML-compliant entities, preventing you from exporting a termbase to SDL MultiTerm or Excel (XLSX) format

BUG-2972: QTerm: You may be unable to export your termbase if its name contains characters considered invalid by the file system according to regional settings

BUG-2871: QTerm: You may not be able to import specific TBX files in memoQWeb, while you can import them via memoQ desktop clients

BUG-3024: SDL Trados Studio Package (SDLPPX) filter: You may be unable to create an SDL return package under rare conditions

BUG-3105: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups member may fail under special circumstances

BUG-2454: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with no members or with only one member may fail

BUG-3018: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with no members or with only one member may fail

BUG-2967: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with only one member may fail

BUG-3015: SVG filter: You may experience high memory consumption and memoQ may become unresponsive while importing certain SVG files containing unrecognized translatable tags

BUG-1125: The "Treat sublanguages as different languages in TB lookup" and "Show terminology hits that have no target term" options are not observed

BUG-3028: The name of Libya is misspelled in language lists

BUG-2515: The text "Exporter (boite de dialogue)" appears in English on the French UI

BUG-1277: Typing in the Final view of the change tracking mode when the drop-down list of predictive typing is open may result in text inserted before the cursor

BUG-1386: Under very rare circumstances, including specially crafted segment content, you may be unable to run Statistics with homogeneity on some documents

BUG-2949: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Line breaks aren't preserved when translating between language pairs with different LTR-RTL property

BUG-1422: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Exported documents don't contain translations in segments which did not have a target element in the original file

BUG-3049: You may be unable to restore an archived project if the document history of a translation document is corrupted

BUG-3063: You may not use spell and grammar checker for Irish target language since memoQ may not recognize the Irish language pack for Microsoft Word is installed

BUG-2168: You may receive 101% matches for number-only segments when you expect a lower match rate

BUG-2269: You receive an error when you try to create a project from a template in which the working or the master TM name is calculated from placeholders and the value to populate the placeholder includes unsupported characters
BUG-2774: Adobe FrameMaker (MIF) filter: Some text contents are not imported from a specific document even if they are not hidden

BUG-2888: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: Could not import a specific IDML file

BUG-3140: Adobe InDesign (IDML, INDD) filter: Formatting is lost in exported document

BUG-2810: Customer Portal: You may be unable to reach translation server when trying to request quote or translation

BUG-1679: Enabling fragment assembly during pre-translation may cause the process to take forever and the translation memory to deny deleting duplicates

BUG-3111: Help: Information on marking forbidden terms as red missing from topic "Term base Excel import settings page"

BUG-2968: Language Terminal: You may be unable to create LT-connected online projects if with "Spanish (Latin America)" as the source or one of the target languages

BUG-2403: Listing TMs in Resource Console, the online project management window and in the template editor may take too long if you have thousands of TMs, even if the list will contain a few items

BUG-3086: Machine Translation: Microsoft MT: You may not receive any translation results for the Chinese (PRC) to English (US) language pair

BUG-2820: memoQ Server WS-API: TranslationDocumentUserRoleAssignmentDetails returns "multiple" for accepted documents instead of assignee's name

BUG-2585: memoQ shows the "No period. Are you sure?" message under the Abbreviation field in projects with German source language when you select the "Word after number" option in the "Add abbreviation" window

BUG-2872: memoQWeb: The custom logo you set may not be displayed on the login page

BUG-2933: memoQWeb: The list of projects may not be displayed under rare circumstances

BUG-2892: memoQWeb: You may be unable to upload (import) large documents to memoQWeb if the request length in Microsoft IIS is set to a low value

BUG-2912: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Can not export Excel file with one member of an rpr tag pair missing in the target

BUG-3058: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: memoQ can not export documents containing emojis with text formatting (such as bold face) applied

BUG-3020: QTerm: Deleting entries makes history (ChangeLog) files grow

BUG-2655: QTerm: memoQ may fail to convert specific characters to XML-compliant entities, preventing you from exporting a termbase to SDL MultiTerm or Excel (XLSX) format

BUG-2972: QTerm: You may be unable to export your termbase if its name contains characters considered invalid by the file system according to regional settings

BUG-2871: QTerm: You may not be able to import specific TBX files in memoQWeb, while you can import them via memoQ desktop clients

BUG-3024: SDL Trados Studio Package (SDLPPX) filter: You may be unable to create an SDL return package under rare conditions

BUG-3105: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups member may fail under special circumstances

BUG-2454: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with no members or with only one member may fail

BUG-3018: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with no members or with only one member may fail

BUG-2967: SSO: Synchronization of Active Directory groups with only one member may fail

BUG-3015: SVG filter: You may experience high memory consumption and memoQ may become unresponsive while importing certain SVG files containing unrecognized translatable tags

BUG-1125: The "Treat sublanguages as different languages in TB lookup" and "Show terminology hits that have no target term" options are not observed

BUG-3028: The name of Libya is misspelled in language lists

BUG-2515: The text "Exporter (boite de dialogue)" appears in English on the French UI

BUG-1277: Typing in the Final view of the change tracking mode when the drop-down list of predictive typing is open may result in text inserted before the cursor

BUG-1386: Under very rare circumstances, including specially crafted segment content, you may be unable to run Statistics with homogeneity on some documents

BUG-2949: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Line breaks aren't preserved when translating between language pairs with different LTR-RTL property

BUG-1422: WPML WordPress XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: Exported documents don't contain translations in segments which did not have a target element in the original file

BUG-3049: You may be unable to restore an archived project if the document history of a translation document is corrupted

BUG-3063: You may not use spell and grammar checker for Irish target language since memoQ may not recognize the Irish language pack for Microsoft Word is installed

BUG-2168: You may receive 101% matches for number-only segments when you expect a lower match rate

BUG-2269: You receive an error when you try to create a project from a template in which the working or the master TM name is calculated from placeholders and the value to populate the placeholder includes unsupported characters

Initial 9.3 release was 9.3.23

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