By improving our integration with content management systems and other third-party technology, we continue to create a more open and reliable translation environment.
API & SDK improvements
You can now query weighted word counts through the Web Services API, so integrators like Plunet and XTRF can have access to those.
Machine Translation
We are adding two new machine translation (MT) plugins, especially important for those who work with Japanese or Chinese. TMXmall is a Chinese MT "aggregator". The TMXmall MT Plugin provides convenient access to neural machine translation services such as Google, Baidu, and more. Textra MT is a powerful tool primarily created for Japanese patent translation work. It supports Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean languages.
Integration support for Content Management Systems (CMS)
Until now, the Content Management Systems (CMS) Connector only supported WordPress. From now on, its capable of supporting any CMS brands through custom-developed CMS connectors. How does it work? To take advantage of this new functionality, you will need to develop a CMS connector for the memoQ CMS API. Once developed, you can connect your client’s CMS to memoQ as easy as you do with WordPress.

Proper terminology management is essential to guarantee translation quality. It also affects productivity just as much as translation memory does, and it is equally important.
Missing languages in term bases
When creating a project from a template, you now can decide whether to add the missing project languages to the term bases selected for the project. Up until version 8.6, all missing languages were added automatically to term bases attached to projects via templates. This improvement is another example of how our frequent release policy allows for an incremental evolution of memoQ.
Term extraction improvements
memoQ’s term extraction editor now has a context menu item for adding the selected target-side text on the Occurrences panel directly to the current term candidate as Target term.
Term base improvements
memoQ 8.6 introduces improvements to memoQ term bases: You can now copy term pairs and even full entries from the term base entry details pane to the clipboard and paste them in other applications like Microsoft Word as plain or formatted text. memoQ now supports right-to-left (RTL) languages (like Arabic and Hebrew) when editing terms and when these terms are listed in term term base. This functionality is also available in QTerm.

The items listed below are productivity boosters for translation work and user experience enhancements.
Quality Assurance Improvements
memoQ 8.6 enhances the way you can work with quality assurance (QA). In this version, you will experience the following benefits: Separate control for non-translatables under QA settings. Display suggested translation of auto-translatables on the Resolve Errors and Warnings screen and in the QA report.
Responsive Task Tracker
Improvements to the QA report to provide more relevant and accurate information about the QA process: List the term bases used for QA at the time the QA report was created. List the number and names of documents checked during QA. List target language(s) in the QA report. “Invert selection” options in the Filter section of the QA report. Adjust your task tracker any way you like! Version 8.6 allows resizing the Task Tracker window so now you can adjust the window according to your needs. memoQ will now remember the settings for the next time you open the Task Tracker.
memoQ server backup
memoQ server now also backs up and restores translation files belonging to CMS jobs.

Document Import and Export
Getting documents into and out of memoQ might not sound like the most exciting topic, but these capabilities are essential and can make or break a translation tool.
Visio files
With Visio 2013, Microsoft introduced a new format, VSDX. We implemented support for VSDX as a new file format filter. memoQ’s composite filters now also handle Visio files, so a Visio chart embedded in a DOCX can be imported just as an embedded Excel sheet.

User Experience
Improving software performance is one way to make memoQ more user-friendly. The math is simple: the more powerful and faster the software becomes, the better for you.
Usage Data Collection
We launched the Usage Data Collection program earlier this year, with memoQ 8.4, but until now, only memoQ clients could share data. With memoQ 8.6, memoQ server and the deployment tool are now included in the program. This way, we can start gathering metrics on usage data from server environments.
What are we going to measure first?
At first, we aim to gather data regarding memoQ server backups. We want to understand how much storage space and how many files each server uses for different data types like translation projects, translation memories and term bases.
This will allow us to get insights on the required backup time and total backup size, and make fact-based improvements that can lead to faster backups.
Change Logs
BUG-630: Adobe Photoshop (PSD) filter: PSD files created with a newer version of Adobe Photoshop and missing an expected internal structural element fail to import.
BUG-856: An issue with custom lists or translation pairs defined in auto-translation rules prevents checking out projects from memoQ Server.
BUG-746: Cannot add entries to a termbase for a language added after pinning the termbase.
BUG-712: Composite filter: Filter configurations cannot be edited.
BUG-637: Customer Portal: Automatic project requests always fail with access denied to project template.
BUG-693: Customer Portal: Quote creation gets stuck when requesting a quote.
BUG-672: Help contains the wrong shortcut for the "Delete to end of segment" command.
BUG-575: Match patch does not work in conjunction with machine translation for CCJK languages, where the difference is shorter than 3 characters.
BUG-665: memoQ misses DTD file while importing a TBX file to a memoQ termbase.
BUG-532: memoQ stops responding while filtering/merging duplicates in a termbase.
BUG-762: memoQWeb: Cannot delete text with track changes enabled.
BUG-690: Microsoft Outlook Email (MSG) filter: Closing inline tag for formatting missing from the source.
BUG-545: Microsoft Outlook Email (MSG) filter: memoQ doesn't export changes made to the document attached to the email message.
BUG-663: Microsoft Outlook Email (MSG) filter: Question marks appear in the exported message instead of Japanese characters in the address fields of the main email thread.
BUG-909: Microsoft Visio (VSDX) filter: The filter configuration dialog displays some English strings on the German UI.
BUG-602: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: Cannot import a specific document with the "Import changes as such (source segments will have change tracking)" option.
MAN-29017: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: Comment assigned to multiple paragraphs is lost on export.
MAN-29018: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: Comment assigned to multiple paragraphs is skipped on import.
BUG-859: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: Comments are not imported as memoQ comments.
BUG-613: Microsoft Word (DOCX) filter: A specific document cannot be exported from memoQ 7.8 if it was imported with memoQ 8.5.
BUG-589: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: CSV files with variable number of columns fail to import.
BUG-633: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: In some cases, the exported XLSX file cannot be opened.
BUG-783: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Multilingual XML filter does not work as defined in cascading filters.
BUG-608: PO Gettext (PO) filter: Entries not followed by new line were ignored.
BUG-777: QTerm: "Any" language setting not working as expected during a search.
BUG-688: QTerm: Linking behavior is inconsistent in QTerm metadata entries.
BUG-574: Regex text filter: Some files are imported partially only.
BUG-662: Resources API: TermbaseController.Update throws if the entry contains more than one new term.
BUG-557: Rigi preview: In some cases, wrong strings are updated in Rigi.
BUG-739: SDL Trados Studio XLIFF (SDLXLIFF) filter: An error stating "comment is missing from catalog" causes export to fail.
BUG-546: Server Administrator window is not refreshed after switching to a different server.
BUG-675: TIPP Package (TIP) filter: Exporting with "Export (stored path)" causes memoQ to not respond.
BUG-550: Two-column RTF filter: Multiple instances of WINWORD.EXE are kept open until memoQ is closed.
BUG-558: WordPress WPML XLIFF (XLIFF) filter: WPML XLIFF files exported from WPML with Chinese target language fails to import into memoQ.
BUG-611: Working/Master TM reverts to Master role only when adding a TM to a different target language in a multilingual project.
BUG-715: XML filter: Some XML entities embedded in CDATA wrappers are not escaped.
MAN-29122: Additional auto-spaces when using tracked changes.
MAN-29027: Adobe FrameMaker (MIF) filter: Paragraph formatting imported regardless of filter configuration.
BUG-630: Adobe Photoshop (PSD) filter: PSD files created with a newer version of Adobe Photoshop and missing an expected internal structural element fails to import.
MAN-29223: Automated actions defined in project templates do not run when a slice finishes its workflow.
MAN-29138: Cannot synchronize translation memories offline, and offline synchronization permissions are forgotten.
MAN-29267: Changing settings in the Font substitution tab of the Resource Console dialog minimizes the window.
MAN-29340: Concordance search for Korean language results in error.
MAN-29237: Confirming a segment causes error if Compare versions is activated.
MAN-29131: Crash when switching from the filtered view of a document to the Resolve errors and warning window.
MAN-29169: Cummins Allison QA Plugin: Error in XLIFF response validator.
MAN-2560: Customer Portal: Clicking on the scroll bar to select a service closes the pull-down menu in Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.
BUG-530: Customer Portal: Failed to import some specific files.
BUG-693: Customer Portal: Quote creation gets stuck when requesting a quote.
MAN-29253: Date format YYYY/MM/DD is 99% match for any number.
MAN-29276: DeepL: Machine translation does not work with sublanguages (variants).
BUG-280: DLL filter: Context ID is picked up incorrectly.
MAN-29025: Document shows 100% progress when only one slice is completed.
MAN-28997: DTD validation error while importing a TBX file to a memoQ termbase.
MAN-29254: False "Uniform formatting of the source () not matched in target" QA warnings for target segments beginning with an inline tag.
MAN-29246: File paths are case-sensitive.
MAN-29257: Filtering for locked segments doesn't work in sliced files.
MAN-29055: Find and replace always reports there are 10.000 matches.
BUG-533: Find and replace operation launched from the Project Dashboard throws an error.
MAN-29187: Fragments not always inserted in specific pre-translation configurations.
BUG-672: Help contains the wrong shortcut for the "Delete to end of segment" command.
MAN-29279: HTML filter: Failed to import HTML files with malformed input tags.
MAN-29184: Interference with Hunspell causes segments confirmation to take long in case of large dictionaries.
MAN-29213: Machine translation is disabled when you want to pre-translate a view.
MAN-29159: memoQ crashes if you open an online project's Overview tab.
MAN-29244: memoQ Pseudo-translation MT plugin: No pseudo-translation is inserted for certain segments.
MAN-29252: memoQ Pseudo-translation MT plugin: Tags are not copied to target during pre-translation.
BUG-239: memoQ server CAL license signing is slow under certain circumstances.
BUG-397: memoQ Server integrations: The Pre-translation and Statistics features cannot use the remote translation memories in the local copy of child projects.
BUG-398: memoQ Server integrations: Trying to view or edit a remote translation memory in the local copy of a child project throws an error.
MAN-29054: memoQ Server reached timeout during delivery.
MAN-2568: memoQWeb: Segments cannot be edited after applying a filter.
MAN-29278: Microsoft Office Word (DOCX) filter: Cannot import documents containing self-closing w:commentRangeStart tags.
MAN-29265: Microsoft Office Word (DOCX) filter: Failed to import documents with tracked changes having no timestamp specified.
MAN-29292: Microsoft Office Word (DOCX) filter: False warning occurs while importing files to a corpus with the Add alignment pair option.
MAN-29222: Microsoft Office Word (DOCX) filter: Font of some of the text in tables changes to Calibri in exported files.
BUG-545: Microsoft Outlook Email (MSG) filter: memoQ doesn't export changes made to the document attached to the email message.
MAN-29284: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: An error in how cell formatting is processed causes that workbooks cannot be imported using a cascading filter consisting of a combination of a MuLi filter and a Regex Tagger.
MAN-29185: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Bug CELLSNET-46293 in the Aspose library prevents certain Excel workbooks from importing.
MAN-29281: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Cannot join segments imported from a specific workbook cell.
BUG-589: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: CSV files with a variable number of columns fail to import.
MAN-29297: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Error when trying to export a document with formatted emoticon character.
MAN-29287: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Failed to import Excel workbook with empty sheets.
MAN-29022: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Failure to import CSV files with improperly configured tab separator.
MAN-29255: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Horizontal alignment of text is changed in the exported Excel workbook.
MAN-29350: Multilingual Delimited Text (CSV, XLSX) filter: Unexpected bold and normal formatting in imported Excel workbooks.
MAN-29238: Online muse is missing from memoQ Server's backup.
MAN-29220: OpenDocument (ODT) filter: Import fails for some particular files.
BUG-526: Preview may fail to show contents in large blocks of text without a new line.
MAN-29158: Project-level LQA report considers only the first document's word count for score normalization.
MAN-2561: QTerm: Cannot import a specific Excel file into a QTerm termbase.
MAN-2546: QTerm: Entries contain unexpected wildcard characters.
MAN-2567: QTerm: Entry from CSV import misplaced.
BUG-688: QTerm: Linking behavior is inconsistent in QTerm metadata entries.
MAN-2557: QTerm: The "Browse term base" link generates an error in Safari.
MAN-2562: QTerm: With the "English (Any)" option, QTerm does not return entries from all language variants (sublanguages).
BUG-662: Resources API: TermbaseController.Update throws if the entry contains more than one new term.
BUG-485: Resources API: The tbs method returns all TBs instead of just one.
MAN-29032: Reviewer 2 progress is not updated on the Project Dashboard.
BUG-534: Rigi: Changing translation has no effect in Rigi viewer.
BUG-557: Rigi: In some cases, wrong strings are updated in Rigi.
MAN-29296: SDL Trados Studio Project Package (SDLPPX) filter: Failed to import packages containing corrupted nested termbases.
MAN-29259: SDL Trados Studio Project Package (SDLPPX) filter: Improper white space handling around comments causes exporting SDLXLIFF files from SDLPPX packages to fail.
MAN-29260: SDL Trados Studio XLIFF (SDLXLIFF) filter: Failed to import corrupted files containing comments but lacking the comment catalog.
MAN-29301: SDL Trados Studio XLIFF (SDLXLIFF) filter: Failed to import file with tracked changes.
MAN-2555: Security: memoQWeb is vulnerable to Reflected XSS attacks via maliciously formed filenames.
MAN-2554: Security: memoQWeb PM vulnerable to Stored XSS attacks via Logo URL.
MAN-2573: Security: memoQWeb vulnerable to Stored XSS attacks via payload script.
MAN-2544: Security: memoQWebTrans vulnerable to Stored XSS attacks.
MAN-29214: Security: ZIP file import is vulnerable to Zip Slip attacks.
MAN-29294: Selection in the "Resolve errors and warnings" window jumps back to the first fixed segment when using the "Hide Ignored Items" option.
BUG-546: Server Administrator window is not refreshed after switching to a different server.
MAN-29323: Some translation memories and termbases are lost from the checked-out local copy of an online project.
MAN-29242: Subvendor cannot launch the project.
MAN-29295: Switching back to a filtered document with zero results causes memoQ to crash.
MAN-29304: Task tracker does not open the result of the change-tracked report.
MAN-29020: The Auto-Assign automated action fails if the user did not want to assign anyone to a specific role.
MAN-29023: The Cancel and Finish buttons are misaligned on the "Check for updates" window.
MAN-29256: The Details pane of documents does not show Regex Tagger in the Filter configuration field.
MAN-29245: Timer for editing time doesn't stop on some PCs when the user moves to the next segment without confirming the current one.
MAN-29012: TM-driven segmentation is not working as expected.
MAN-29258: Two-column RTF filter: Importing edits from Two-column RTF with track changes enabled ignores formatting.
MAN-29338: Unable to restore archived project after deleting one of its termbases.
BUG-455: Unlocking a row on Resolve Errors and Warnings prevents the warning to be ignored.
MAN-2543: With track changes enabled, pressing Backspace always deletes text from the beginning.
MAN-29343: WordPress WPML (XLIFF) filter: HTML entities within segments caused WordPress shortcode contents to be imported.
BUG-611: Working/Master TM reverts to Master role only when adding a TM to a different target language in a multilingual project.
MAN-29251: WorldServer Project Package (WSXZ) filter: No file names in statistics exported to CSV format.
MAN-29262: WS-API: ConfirmAndUpdateResultInfo.DocErrors would be an empty array if there was no error during the C&U.
BUG-580: WS-API: The ExportTranslationDocument method exports the wrong language variant in a special case.
MAN-29275: XLIFF filter: Cannot import memoQ XLIFF files containing version history.
MAN-29016: XLIFF filter: Fail to import files in which split segments belonging together shall be skipped but could be joined.
MAN-29243: XLIFF filter: HTML entities may cause errors and block importing documents.
BUG-562: XLIFF filter: Warning about missing pictures upon export.
MAN-29351: XML filter: Embedded JSON blocks with invalid comment syntax produces error about insufficient memory during import.
MAN-29344: ZIP filter: Composite filters of ZIP and MuLi Text filters shouldn't be allowed.
Initial 8.6 release was 8.6.5