In-country Review Explained
In-country review (ICR) is an important quality assurance step in the localization process, which is very often performed outside of a translation tool, making the whole process manual and time-consuming.
Recent Webinars
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Head of Product @ memoQ
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Elise Bertin-Lemée, Guillaume Bretin, Levente Bundik,
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Angelika Zerfaß
memoQ trainer
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memoQ trainer
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번역 워크플로우의 숨겨진 잠재력 발견 :
memoQ translator pro
memoQ translator pro
박 선주
메모큐 튜토리얼 강사
다른 차원의 현지화 및 번역 프로젝트 관리의 시작:
memoQ project manager
memoQ project manager
박 선주
메모큐 튜토리얼 강사